
How to use Bluetooth Beacon Scanning in Android Studio

I have two projects that use BLE Beacon Scanning. There is also a SDK and some documentation as well. But it's not very informative. There is also not a lot of info on BLE to begin with online. I'm not asking for a full breakdown (although that would be great). I am more so asking for places I can look up when it comes to BLE Beacons and Android Development. Thank you.


  • A few suggestions to get started:

    First, learn the fundamental concepts:

    1. To understand what BLE Beacons do, watch my video here

    2. Learn the basic concepts of "ranging" and "monitoring":

    1. Try playing with two Android devices each running a beacon simulator app like my BeaconScope (There is also an iOS version in case you have a second iPhone but not a second Android). Use one to transmit and one to receive. Take a look at how the beacon identifiers look for different beacon types. Each time you see a list of beacons update on the screen, that is a beacon ranging callback.

    Try using the Android Beacon Library SDK: