
Length of Returns (.search)

Is there a way to return the length of the results from the following line?

import wikipedia
query = input("What do you want to lookup? ")


I know that .search will return the first ten results, and that you can specify more or less, but I'd like to be able to tell how many results there are. I couldn't find this in this documentation, although I may not be looking in the right place. Any help is appreciated!


  • It seems that the wikipedia package doesn't provide an API for the total number of hits. MediaWiki itself, however, does have such an option: srinfo=totalhits.

    Knowing this, getting the information from Wikipedia should be trivial (the documentation page linked above also has some code examples, Python included):

    import requests
    response = requests.get('', params = {
      'action': 'query',
      'format': 'json',
      'list': 'search',
      'srsearch': 'Foobar',
      'srinfo': 'totalhits'
    total_hits = response['query']['searchinfo']['totalhits']  # 131