I'm writing a module in PHP Laminas to send mails through Mailgun API. I'm able to send the mail as well as list the pending queue. I want to delete a particular mail in mailgun using message-id
. Can someone please guide me if its even possible? If yes, how?
The closest I've got in terms of documentation is clearing the domain queue which isn't what I want. https://help.mailgun.com/hc/en-us/articles/360012487654-How-Can-I-Delete-Messages-From-the-Queue-
Below is the code I've written to send the mail using Mailgun.
* MailgunApiSendRequest constructor.
* @param MailgunApiModel $mailgunApiModel
* @param MailgunApiSendResponse $mailgunApiSendResponse
public function __construct(MailgunApiModel $mailgunApiModel, MailgunApiSendResponse $mailgunApiSendResponse)
$this->mailgunApiModel = $mailgunApiModel;
$this->mailgunApiSendResponse = $mailgunApiSendResponse;
* @return MailgunApiSendResponse
* @throws ClientExceptionInterface
public function send(): MailgunApiSendResponse
/** @var Mailgun $mailgun */
$mailgun = $this->getMailgunApiClient()->create();
/** @var array[] $params */
$params = [
"from" => $this->getMailgunApiClient()->getFromEmail(),
"to" => $this->getMailgunApiModel()->getEmailAddress(),
"subject" => $this->getMailgunApiModel()->getTitle(),
"text" => $this->getMailgunApiModel()->getContent(),
"o:deliverytime" => Carbon::now()->adddays(3)->toRfc2822String(),
/** @var SendResponse $sendResponse */
$sendResponse = $mailgun->messages()->send($this->getMailgunApiClient()->getEmailDomain(), $params);
/** @var array[] $data */
$data = [
"id" => $sendResponse->getId(),
"message" => $sendResponse->getMessage()
return $this->getMailgunApiSendResponse();
Below is the current status as per Mailgun Log.
"envelope": {
"transport": "smtp",
"sender": "Admin@sandboxf130aeded8d44db4b211ec6bb2488f14.mailgun.org",
"targets": "gohar*****@gmail.com"
"storage": {
"region": "us-west1",
"env": "production",
"key": "BAABAQYhT_85YerJ675CSDFASXxRjabYg==",
"url": "https://storage-us-west1.api.mailgun.net/v3/domains/sandboxf130aeded8d44db4b211ec6bb2488f14.mailgun.org/messages/BAABAQYhT_85YerJ675CbouSEEXxRjabYg=="
"method": "HTTP",
"log-level": "info",
"recipient-domain": "gmail.com",
"event": "accepted",
"user-variables": {},
"id": "984HKEiQRemVjMeFKoHyyw",
"recipient": "gohar*****@gmail.com",
"tags": null,
"timestamp": 1684929274.7635095,
"flags": {
"is-test-mode": false,
"is-authenticated": true
"message": {
"size": 387,
"headers": {
"from": "Admin <Admin@sandboxf130aeded8d44db4b211ec6bb2488f14.mailgun.org>",
"subject": "Live Test",
"message-id": "20230524115434.bc162edb03872131@sandboxf130aeded8d44db4b211ec6bb2488f14.mailgun.org",
"to": "gohar*****@gmail.com"
"scheduled-for": 1685188473
"originating-ip": ""
"scheduled-for": 1685188473
shows that its going to be sent after 3 days.
Mailgun doesn't provide the option to delete mails.