I am using DantSu/ESCPOS-ThermalPrinter-Android library to print on my bluetooth printer. The library accepts data to print as a String. It uses [L][C][R]
tags to left align, center align and right align the content respectively.
The content is coming from an API and I pass it straight to the print function. The problem I am facing right now is that I am trying to migrate the app to Flutter and I can't find a library that accepts the above mentioned [L][C][R]
tags to print.
Is there any libraries available I can use to achieve this.
Link to the library : https://github.com/DantSu/ESCPOS-ThermalPrinter-Android
I've found a workaround to this problem. I replaced [L][C][R]
tags with the actual byte codes used to align content in the printer. Codes I used are mentioned below
RIGHT = '\x1Ba2'
LEFT = '\x1Ba0'
CENTER = '\x1Ba1'
The flutter printer library used is https://pub.dev/packages/esc_pos_utils