Say I have a model like so:
class Animal
include DataMapper::Resource
property :id, Serial
property :type, Enum[ :cat, :bat, :rabbit, :zebra]
Assuming there is a route pointing to an erb template for adding more animals & @animal = session[:animal]
how would I create a list of animal types?
<% @animal.type.each do |animal| %>
<option value="<%= @animal.type" %></option>
<% end %>
(Obviously that bit of code doesn't do what I am looking for, but I hope it makes it a little more clear.)
There is flags option on the property that you can use to lookup the enum values. I don't know where this is documented - I found it here. So you could do something like this:
<% Animal.type.options[:flags].each do |animal| %>
<option value="<%= animal %>"><%= animal %></option>
<% end %>
I guess you could generalise this into a helper method.