I am using the Incapsula provider for Terraform. Specifically the resource: incapsula_data_centers_configuration. As you can see in the documentation it indicates that:
You can configure as many origin_servers, as you need. In my case I have a single data_center but I need to be able to vary the number of origin_servers depending on the application I am protecting.
Here is some of the code:
variable "ip_addresses"{
default = [
"", ""
resource "incapsula_data_centers_configuration" "single_dc" {
site_id = incapsula_site.pre-site.id
site_topology = var.site_topology
site_lb_algorithm = "BEST_CONNECTION_TIME"
fail_over_required_monitors = "MOST"
is_persistent = true
data_center {
name = var.single_dc_name
dc_lb_algorithm = "LB_LEAST_PENDING_REQUESTS"
for_each = toset(var.ip_addresses)
address = each.value
And the error I have is the following:
Error: each.value cannot be used in this context │ │ on modules/pre-site/main.tf line 31, in resource "incapsula_data_centers_configuration" "single_dc": │ 31: address = each.value
Could you help me to resolve the problem?
You have to use dynamic blocks:
resource "incapsula_data_centers_configuration" "single_dc" {
site_id = incapsula_site.pre-site.id
site_topology = var.site_topology
site_lb_algorithm = "BEST_CONNECTION_TIME"
fail_over_required_monitors = "MOST"
is_persistent = true
data_center {
name = var.single_dc_name
dc_lb_algorithm = "LB_LEAST_PENDING_REQUESTS"
dynamic "origin_server" {
for_each = toset(var.ip_addresses)
content {
address = origin_server.value