
How to use compiler conditionals in an app intent (iOS 16)

I am trying to build an AppIntent (iOS 16) with a parameter where the user can enter data in the shortcuts app. The code looks like that:

import Foundation
import AppIntents

struct MyIntent: AppIntent {
    static var title = LocalizedStringResource("Intent title")
    @Parameter(title: "user value", default: "not set")
    var myParameterVariableName: String
    static var parameterSummary: some ParameterSummary {
        Summary("Your Value: \(\.$myParameterVariableName)")
    @MainActor func perform() async throws -> some IntentResult {
        return .result()

Which looks as expected in the shortcuts app when I try to configure a shortcut with that intent:

enter image description here

However, the parameter's default value should be different based on the active build configuration. So I tried this:

@Parameter(title: "user value", default: "debug")
var myParameterVariableName: String
@Parameter(title: "user value", default: "not set")
var myParameterVariableName: String

But this leads to displaying the variable name in the shortcuts app:

enter image description here

It does not display "debug" or "not set" as the default value no matter which build configuration i choose to build. I can tap on it and enter data, but the default value is not displayed.

Any ideas? Are there other ways to replaces variables that to use preprocessor macros?


  • This has been fixed in Xcode 15 beta. Compiler conditionals are working now in App intents.