
Ada2012 controlled types error: call to abstract procedure must be dispatching

I'm facing a compilation error where I'm not sure about what is going on.

I provide a minimal reproducibable example; if I implement the Initialize procedure, everything is ok and no errors are thrown. The same occurs if class Derived_t has no Hashed_Maps instantiation component, which it's full view is a controlled type and I don't know if it could be related.

with Ada.Finalization;
private with Ada.Containers.Hashed_Maps;
private with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;

package root is
  type Root_t is limited interface;
  type Derived_t is abstract limited new Ada.Finalization.Limited_Controlled and
    Root_t with private;
  procedure Initialize (this : in out Derived_t) is abstract; --if null implementation is provided, no error is raised
  procedure Finalize (this : in out Derived_t);
  type array_t is array (Positive range <>) of Positive;
  type arrayPtr_t is access array_t;
  function fHash (key : Positive) return Ada.Containers.Hash_Type is
  package HashedDict_pck is new Ada.Containers.Hashed_Maps
    (Key_Type => Positive,
     Element_Type => Positive,
     Hash => fHash,
     Equivalent_Keys => "=");
  --The compilation error is raised before name Derived_t
  type Derived_t is abstract limited new Ada.Finalization.Limited_Controlled and
    Root_t with
       arrayMember : arrayPtr_t;
       dict : HashedDict_pck.map;
     end record;
  procedure pFreeArray is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
    (array_t, arrayPtr_t);

end root;
package body root is

  -- Finalize --

  overriding procedure Finalize (this : in out Derived_t) is
  end Finalize;

end root;

The compilation error occurs at line 33 column 8, just before entity name Derived_t in the private part: call to abstract procedure must be dispatching.

I know that controlled types are usually implemented privately, to hide the procedures to clients; I decided to make it public to enforce implementers of concrete classes to implement the Initialize procedure.

An implementer would do the following to implement a concrete class:

package root.concrete is

  type Concrete_t is new Derived_t with private;

  procedure Initialize(this : in out Concrete_t); --Implementation will initialize Derived_t arrayMember

  --other Concrete_t public primitives


  type Concrete_t is new Derived_t with 
      --Some stuff
    end record;

end root.concrete;

I think that, as I declare the map as a member record, and as the map is a controlled type, it needs to initialise its enclosing record but, as the Initialize is abstract, the compiler don't know what to call. Am I right?

I'll privatize the use of controlled types with a null default implementation of the Initialize to fix it, anyway an implementer shall implement the procedure for a concrete class to construct it correctly.


  • I think that, as I declare the map as a member record, and as the map is a controlled type, it needs to initialise its enclosing record but, as the Initialize is abstract, the compiler don't know what to call. Am I right?

    Mostly on the right track. IIUC, what you'll need to do is an extension aggregate -- like this:

    procedure Initialize(this : in out Concrete_t) is
       Function Default return HashedDict_pck.map is separate;
       This := Concrete_t'( Derived_t'(dict => Default, arrayMember => <>) with others => <> );
    End Initialize;

    Another possibility is to use a function to construct your initial value and use that.

    Count : Positive:= 1;
    Procedure Nested_Initialize(This : out Concrete_t) is
        Function Initialize return Concrete_t is
            Return Result : Concrete_t:=
              Concrete_t'( Derived_t'(others => <>) with others => <> ) do
                Result.Value:= Count;
                Count:= Positive'Succ( Count );
            End return;
        End Initialize;
       This:= Initialize;
    End Nested_Initialize;