
HelloSign python SDK generated with OPS is different from the SDK project provided in github

I am trying to generate the python SDK of the hellosign from the opensource repo with this yaml

The below is the command I am using to generate the SDK

java -jar openapi-generator-cli-6.6.0.jar generate -i D:\openapi-sdk.yaml -g python -o c:\temp\hellosign_python --skip-validate-spec --additional-properties packageName=hellosign.sdk

But the SDK project generated is different from the once they have generated here

Few API classes are not there. is different with separate clients and so on. How to generate the SDK project same as they have generated?


  • You should be able to generate the Python SDK by running the ./generate-sdk -t python

    As stated in the readme.

    You should also be able to generate it from within the Python SDK repo by running ./run-build