
Function to create dynamic bins in Python

I have pandas DataFrame of numeric columns. This data does not contain any zeros(0).

I have defined a function that creates integer bins as follows

 1. -1 for all negative values 
 2. Bin width (e.g. 1000000) upto threshold (e.g. 20000000)
 3. After the threshold (e.g. 20000000), it will dynamically size bins to contain 1% of the total count or NOBS(No. of Observations) 
i.e. if NOBS is going below 1% of total NOBS then it will dynamically adjust the bin width such that it will be approx 1% of total NOBS.

Here is my code

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

# Reproducible example
rng = np.random.default_rng(42)
a = rng.integers(-1687500000, 0, 5000)
b = rng.integers(0, 20000000, 25000)
c = rng.integers(20000000, 56956420100000, 4149)
df = pd.DataFrame({'Col1': np.concatenate([a, b, c])})

def dynamic_binning(df_, col_, first_bin, first_bin_label, bin_width, threshold):

    # Create bins
    m = df_[col_] > threshold
    q = np.linspace(0, 1, 100 * sum(m) // len(df_))

    bins = [-np.inf] + np.arange(first_bin, threshold+1, bin_width).tolist()
    bins += df_.loc[m, col_].quantile(q).tolist()[1:]

#     df_.loc[df_[col_]<=first_bin] = first_bin

    df_bins_ = (pd.cut(df_[col_].dropna(), bins, labels=False, right=False).sub(abs(first_bin_label)+1)
                    .assign(Percentage=lambda x: x['NOBS'] / len(df_) * 108))
    return df_bins_

Calling the function

dynamic_binning(df, 'Col1', 0, 0, 1000000, 20000000)

The output of the function

    Bins    NOBS    Percentage
0   -1.0    5000    15.813054555038216
1   0.0     1274    4.0291663006237375
2   1.0     1169    3.6970921549679345
3   2.0     1287    4.070280242466836
4   3.0     1241    3.924800140560485
5   4.0     1296    4.098743740665905
6   5.0     1246    3.940613195115523
7   6.0     1288    4.073442853377844
8   7.0     1201    3.798295704120179
9   8.0     1289    4.076605464288852
10  9.0     1174    3.712905209522973
11  10.0    1273    4.02600368971273
12  11.0    1246    3.940613195115523
13  12.0    1277    4.0386541333567605
14  13.0    1292    4.086093297021875
15  14.0    1259    3.9817271369586225
16  15.0    1276    4.035491522445753
17  16.0    1200    3.7951330932091714
18  17.0    1242    3.9279627514714925
19  18.0    1204    3.807783536853202
20  19.0    1266    4.003865413335676
21  20.0    378     1.195466924360889
22  21.0    377     1.1923043134498814
23  22.0    377     1.1923043134498814
24  23.0    377     1.1923043134498814
25  24.0    377     1.1923043134498814
26  25.0    377     1.1923043134498814
27  26.0    377     1.1923043134498814
28  27.0    377     1.1923043134498814
29  28.0    377     1.1923043134498814
30  29.0    377     1.1923043134498814
31  30.0    377     1.1923043134498814

In the above example, 20 Bins -1, 0, 1, 2,3,......, 19 are till threshold i.e. 20000000. Bins 20, 21, 22,...30 are dynamic bins as per the third condition mentioned above.

I'm facing issues while using this function for the following cases

  1. first_bin = -10000000, bin_width = 500000, threshold = 5000000

Calling dynamic_binning function

dynamic_binning(df, 'Col2', -10000000, -20, 500000, 10000000)

In this case, 20 Bins -20, -19, -18,.....-1, 0, 1, 2, .....9 are till threshold i.e. 10000000. Bins 10, 11, 12,... are dynamic bins as per the third condition mentioned above. But I need to use this code df_.loc[df_[col_]<=first_bin] = first_bin before df_bins_ = (pd.cut(.... otherwise it creates two bins at the start i.e. -21 and -20 instead of -20 which includes values <=10000000

  1. If I use first_bin = 0, bin_width = 0.1, threshold = 3 Calling dynamic_binning function dynamic_binning(df, 'Col3', 0, 0, 0.1, 3) In this case, df['Col3'] values range from -0.281 to 1.922

I get the following error

ValueError: bins must increase monotonically
  1. Getting upper and lower limits of each bin (including dynamic bins) in a new column (bin_labels) e.g. -inf - 0, 0 - 1, 1 - 2, 2 - 3.........


  • Maybe you can try this version:

    def dynamic_binning(df_, col_, first_bin, first_bin_label, bin_width, threshold):
        # Create bins
        m = df_[col_] > threshold
        q = np.linspace(0, 1, 100 * sum(m) // len(df_))
        bins = [-np.inf] + np.arange(first_bin, threshold+1, bin_width).tolist()
        bins += df_.loc[m, col_].quantile(q).tolist()[1:]
        df_bins_ = (pd.cut(df_[col_].dropna(), bins, labels=False, right=False)
        # Fix missing bins
        idx = pd.RangeIndex(df_bins_.index.min(), df_bins_.index.max(), name='Bins')
        df_bins_ = (df_bins_.reindex(idx, fill_value=0).reset_index()
                            .assign(Percentage=lambda x: x['NOBS'] / len(df_) * 108,
                                    Bins=lambda x: x['Bins'].astype(int) + first_bin_label))
        return df_bins_

    However, your first call should be dynamic_binning(df, 'Col1', 0, -1, 1000000, 20000000) to be consistent.

    >>> dynamic_binning(df, 'Col1', 0, 0, 1000000, 20000000)
        Bins  NOBS  Percentage
    0      0  5000   15.813055
    1      1  1274    4.029166
    2      2  1169    3.697092
    3      3  1287    4.070280
    4      4  1241    3.924800
    5      5  1296    4.098744
    6      6  1246    3.940613
    7      7  1288    4.073443
    8      8  1201    3.798296
    9      9  1289    4.076605
    10    10  1174    3.712905
    11    11  1273    4.026004
    12    12  1246    3.940613
    13    13  1277    4.038654
    14    14  1292    4.086093
    15    15  1259    3.981727
    16    16  1276    4.035492
    17    17  1200    3.795133
    18    18  1242    3.927963
    19    19  1204    3.807784
    20    20  1266    4.003865
    21    21   378    1.195467
    22    22   377    1.192304
    23    23   377    1.192304
    24    24   377    1.192304
    25    25   377    1.192304
    26    26   377    1.192304
    27    27   377    1.192304
    28    28   377    1.192304
    29    29   377    1.192304
    30    30   377    1.192304
    >>> dynamic_binning(df, 'Col1', -10000000, -20, 500000, 10000000)
        Bins  NOBS  Percentage
    0    -20  4969   15.715014
    1    -19     2    0.006325
    2    -18     1    0.003163
    3    -17     2    0.006325
    4    -16     2    0.006325
    ..   ...   ...         ...
    82    62   355    1.122727
    83    63   355    1.122727
    84    64   355    1.122727
    85    65   355    1.122727
    86    66   355    1.122727
    [87 rows x 3 columns]
    >>> dynamic_binning(df, 'Col1', 0, 0, 0.1, 3)
         Bins  NOBS  Percentage
    0       0  5000   15.813055
    1       1     0    0.000000
    2       2     0    0.000000
    3       3     0    0.000000
    4       4     0    0.000000
    ..    ...   ...         ...
    118   118   347    1.097426
    119   119   347    1.097426
    120   120   347    1.097426
    121   121   347    1.097426
    122   122   347    1.097426
    [123 rows x 3 columns]