
Super class and abstract test method with JUnit5 tests

I migrated unit tests from JUnit4 to JUnit5 and I use Intellij as IDE
With JUnit4, I had some tests implementing two methodes of a test superclass. It seems like I could put the @Test on the abstract methods and just override them in subclasses.

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

    @SpringBootTest(classes = {TestContext.class})
    public abstract class AbstractTest {
        public abstract void testOk();
        public abstract void testKo();

And the test

    public class SomeTest extends AbstractTest {
        // @Test with JUnit5
        public void testOk() {
        // @Test with JUnit5
        public void testKo() {

But with JUnit5, it seems like I have to put @Test annotation on the overriding method of the subclass SomeTest, otherwise tests are not found. Is there a way to achieve my previous configuration with JUnit5, avoiding to add @Test to all subclasses methods ?


  • Following M. Deinum recommandation, I ended up with this

    import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
    @SpringBootTest(classes = {TestContext.class})
    public abstract class AbstractTest {
       public abstract void testOk();
       public abstract void testKo();
       public void junitTestOk() {
       public void junitTestKo() {