I'm looking for a way to configure redshift as a destination for kinesis firehose with the aws cdk (python). I'm not seeing any specific documentation on doing this like you can with s3.
I'm looking into this, but it seems like a lower level method.
If using this, should I just drop it into the destination field?
The one you have shared seems the right approach.
If you are using typescript, same can be written as below:
// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import { aws_kinesisfirehose as kinesisfirehose } from 'aws-cdk-lib';
const cfnDeliveryStream = new kinesisfirehose.CfnDeliveryStream(this, 'MyCfnDeliveryStream', /* all optional props */ {
deliveryStreamName: 'deliveryStreamName',
deliveryStreamType: 'deliveryStreamType',
redshiftDestinationConfiguration: {
clusterJdbcurl: 'clusterJdbcurl',
copyCommand: {
dataTableName: 'dataTableName',
// the properties below are optional
copyOptions: 'copyOptions',
dataTableColumns: 'dataTableColumns',
password: 'password',
roleArn: 'roleArn',
s3Configuration: {
bucketArn: 'bucketArn',
roleArn: 'roleArn',
// the properties below are optional
bufferingHints: {
intervalInSeconds: 123,
sizeInMBs: 123,
cloudWatchLoggingOptions: {
enabled: false,
logGroupName: 'logGroupName',
logStreamName: 'logStreamName',
compressionFormat: 'compressionFormat',
encryptionConfiguration: {
kmsEncryptionConfig: {
awskmsKeyArn: 'awskmsKeyArn',
noEncryptionConfig: 'noEncryptionConfig',
errorOutputPrefix: 'errorOutputPrefix',
prefix: 'prefix',
username: 'username',
// the properties below are optional
cloudWatchLoggingOptions: {
enabled: false,
logGroupName: 'logGroupName',
logStreamName: 'logStreamName',
processingConfiguration: {
enabled: false,
processors: [{
type: 'type',
// the properties below are optional
parameters: [{
parameterName: 'parameterName',
parameterValue: 'parameterValue',
retryOptions: {
durationInSeconds: 123,
s3BackupConfiguration: {
bucketArn: 'bucketArn',
roleArn: 'roleArn',
// the properties below are optional
bufferingHints: {
intervalInSeconds: 123,
sizeInMBs: 123,
cloudWatchLoggingOptions: {
enabled: false,
logGroupName: 'logGroupName',
logStreamName: 'logStreamName',
compressionFormat: 'compressionFormat',
encryptionConfiguration: {
kmsEncryptionConfig: {
awskmsKeyArn: 'awskmsKeyArn',
noEncryptionConfig: 'noEncryptionConfig',
errorOutputPrefix: 'errorOutputPrefix',
prefix: 'prefix',
s3BackupMode: 's3BackupMode',