I have a DefaultDataTable
to display entities and in one of its columns I'd like to have links (ExternalLink
) for those entities. But doing the following does not really give me links, it shows only the link text.
This way I create the columns:
List<IColumn<Entity, String>> columns = List.of(
new PropertyColumn<>(new Model<>("Id"), "id", "id"),
new PropertyColumn<>(new Model<>("Name"), "name", "name"),
new IColumn<>() {
public Component getHeader(String componentId) {
return new Label(componentId, "Link");
public String getSortProperty() {
return null; // No sorting
public void populateItem(Item<ICellPopulator<Entity>> cellItem, String componentId, IModel<Entity rowModel) {
cellItem.add(new ExternalLink(componentId,
"https://example.com/entity/" + rowModel.getObject().getExtid()),
public void detach() { }
This way the DefaultDataTable is created:
var entityDataTable = new DefaultDataTable<>("entity_data_table", columns, dataProvider, 20);
But in the browser it looks like the second column is just repeated as the third:
So how can I show a link column in a data table? Btw. I'm using Apache Wicket 9.14.
You need to provide markup for the cell contents. I.e. instead of adding an ExternalLink you need to add a markup provider like a Panel
or a Fragment
that contains the ExternalLink as a child.
public void populateItem(Item<ICellPopulator<Entity>> cellItem, String componentId, IModel<Entity rowModel) {
cellItem.add(new MyPanel(componentId));
public class MyPanel extends Panel {
public MyPanel(String id) {
add(new ExternalLink("link",
"https://example.com/entity/" + rowModel.getObject().getExtid()),
<wicket:panel><div><a wicket:id="link"></a></div></wicket:panel>