I am developing a userscript for Tampermonkey and storing it on private Github, that belongs to my company. I can't upload the code on a public server. The auto update feature of the script doesn't seem to work.
Is Tampermonkey using its own servers to check for updates?
Is it possible to make userscript auto update itself from private domain?
I am using these properties in userscript:
// @downloadURL https://github02.private.domain/raw/github-username/repo-name/master/userscript.js
// @updateURL https://github02.private.domain/raw/github-username/repo-name/master/userscript.js
It looks like the auto update actually works on a private domain, but there were 2 problems:
Incorrect URL: https://github.com/raw/username/your-repo/main/script.user.js
Correct URL: https://github.com/username/your-repo/raw/main/script.user.js