
Cs50 Pset4: Adieu - check50 gives error, but my results are correct

So my task is to ask users for names until they press control-d and then output in the format Adieu, adieu, to Liesl, Friedrich, and Louisa where Liesl, Friedrich and Louisa are names input by the user. In my terminal, the results are correct no matter how many names I input, they output correctly, but check50 show a frown. Here's my code:

names = []

while True:
        #ask for input
        name = input("Name: ")
        #put in the list
    except (EOFError, ValueError):

print("Adieu, adieu, to", end=" ")
#from first to second last, output names by comma
x = int(len(names)-2)
for amount in range(x):
    print(names[amount] , "," , end=" ", sep="")

#use 'and' to output last name
#if two names in list
      print(str(names[1]), end=" ")
      print("and", str(names[0]))
#if one name in list
except (ValueError, EOFError, IndexError):


  • Use the check50 link to read the detailed error message, and/or re-read the instructions. Your solution doesn't match the expected output when there are 3 or more names.

    Expected ouptut when there are 3 or more names:

    Adieu, adieu, to Liesl, Friedrich, and Louisa
    Adieu, adieu, to Liesl, Friedrich, Louisa, and Kurt

    Your program outputs (compare commas):

    Adieu, adieu, to Liesl, Friedrich and Louisa
    Adieu, adieu, to Liesl, Friedrich, Louisa and Kurt

    Also, did you read the Hint about the inflect module? While not required, it will be very helpful in another pset.