
volumesnapshotcontent created with old timestamp

I have a scenario where volumesnapshotcontent is getting created with weird timestamp.

snapcontent-f5dae7f1-5fcc-4b10-a856-27462e8f248a   false        1073741824    Retain           vpc.block.csi.ibm.io   stork-csi-snapshot-class-vpc.block.csi.ibm.io   px-do-not-delete-cf058705-d4ea-4da8-b8e4-d8602a160acc-0e1b8534   kube-system               36d

Here Age is 36d. Is there a reason for this


  • A VolumeSnapshotContent is a snapshot taken from a volume in the cluster that has been provisioned by an administrator. It is a resource in the cluster just like a PersistentVolume is a cluster resource. The timestamp associated with a ‘VolumeSnapshotContent’ resource might not always reflect the exact creation time by system. It does not update automatically when the object is modified or created.

    When a VolumeSnapshotContent is created, GCP assigns a timestamp to the resource based on when snapshot content was generated. Snapshot content was provisioned before registering the VolumeSnapshotContent into kubernetes. So, VSC might take the timestamp of snapshot content creation. Later on, in the "binding" section, End-users creates their VolumeSnapshot. Then admin proceeds with snapshotting data, and eventually registers a VSC and binds it to the end-user's VolumeSnapshot.

    Ensure the configuration within your kubernetes cluster or storage system you are providing is correct or not This might cause the incorrect timestamp in creation.

    To troubleshoot further, please provide more specific details like the kubernetes version, storage system.