How can I use a VBA macro in the 3DExperience to save a part as a step file? I have found references in the documentation to the ExportData method, which requires it to be referred to a document, but I cannot figure out how to get the current active document. In an example I found online for CATIA V5 they use the "Open" method to convert files, but I would like to refer to the current active document instead, how could I do this?
Dim PartDocument0 As Document
' Reading a CATPart file
Set PartDocument0 = CATIA.Documents.Open("C:\desktop\File1.CATPart")
' Saving the part in a STEP file
PartDocument0.ExportData("C:\desktop\File1.stp", "stp")
Documentation references:
Sub ExportData(fileName As String, format As String)
Member of INFITF.Document
Property ActiveDocument As Document
Member of INFITF.CATIAApplicationCoClass read-only
Sub ExportData(fileName As String, format As String)
Member of INFITF.Document
Property Application As CATIAApplicationCoClass
Member of INFITF.AnyObject
But if I run the following code:
Dim PartDocument1 As Application
Set PartDocument1 = CATIA.ActiveDocument
or even the following code:
Dim PartDocument1 As Documents
Set PartDocument1 = CATIA.ActiveDocument
I get the error:
Method "ActiveDocument" of object "Application" failed
Unfortunately, I don't think there is an equivalent of the ExportData function with 3DExperience. Only thing I have found close to a solution is using StartCommand and SendKeys functions to simulate key presses:
yet it is not a robust solution, tho it may solve your problem. I would really appreciate it if you came up with a solution and share it.