I'm following this how-to: https://unit.nginx.org/howto/laravel/, with small modifications (basically changed the folder name).
Whenever I try to send the configuration JSON with CURL, I get this error message:
2023/06/15 20:01:27 [info] 5192#5192 "laravel" prototype started
2023/06/15 20:01:27 [info] 5193#5193 "laravel" application started
2023/06/15 20:01:27 [alert] 5193#5193 root realpath(/home/victor/workspace/estatutario/public/) failed (13: Permission denied)
2023/06/15 20:01:27 [notice] 5192#5192 app process 5193 exited with code 1
2023/06/15 20:01:27 [warn] 913#913 failed to start application "laravel"
2023/06/15 20:01:27 [alert] 913#913 failed to apply new conf
2023/06/15 20:01:27 [notice] 897#897 process 5192 exited with code 0
"listeners": {
"*:8003": {
"pass": "routes"
"routes": [
"match": {
"uri": "!/index.php"
"action": {
"share": "/home/victor/workspace/estatutario/public$uri",
"fallback": {
"pass": "applications/laravel"
"applications": {
"laravel": {
"type": "php",
"root": "/home/victor/workspace/estatutario/public/",
"script": "index.php"
Permissions (to troubleshoot, I gave all permissions to everybody):
victor@webapps-dev:~/workspace/estatutario$ ls -la
total 384
drwxrwxrwx 13 unit unit 4096 Jun 15 01:04 .
drwxrwxr-x 16 victor victor 4096 Jun 15 19:53 ..
drwxrwxrwx 7 unit unit 4096 Jun 15 01:00 app
-rwxrwxrwx 1 unit unit 1686 Jun 15 01:00 artisan
drwxrwxrwx 3 unit unit 4096 Jun 15 01:00 bootstrap
victor@webapps-dev:~/workspace/estatutario$ pwd
User running Unit:
victor@webapps-dev:~$ ps -ef | grep unit
root 897 1 0 19:15 ? 00:00:00 unit: main v1.30.0 [/usr/sbin/unitd]
unit 912 897 0 19:15 ? 00:00:00 unit: controller
unit 913 897 0 19:15 ? 00:00:00 unit: router
victor 5559 1507 0 20:10 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto unit
I've double-checked the folder name and even gave 777 permissions. (Even though the user seems correct - unit).
Any thoughts why I'm still getting this error message?
Ok, after some research on a similar issue (Nginx: stat() failed (13: permission denied)) I found that Unit acts the same way as Nginx.
So the problem / solution described on the previous question also applied. Even though I chowned the my project's root folder to unit:unit, the parent folder was still mine (victor:victor).
/home/victor/workspace/myproject <--- unit:unit
/home/victor/workspace/ <--- victor:victor
/home/victor/ <--- victor:victor
Nginx seems to need to have "x" permission from the root all the way to the folder you want to serve. I could either give unit those permissions or serve it from another directory.
So I decided to serve from outside my home. /apps/myproject (unit:unit)