I want to repeat my function "Function_test" 100 times with Parallel for loop in python by using "joblib.Parallel", and all the results from 100 times for further analysis.
Here is my code:
import joblib
def FOMs_test(jj,image, Center_xy, BkgCenter_xy, roiSize_xy, Chnl,Resampling, Validation):
# ... omit some code here
_,dp[jj,ii], AUC[jj,ii], Pc[jj,ii] = Function_test (sig,bkg,channel,Noise,Resampling)
return dp, AUC, Pc
dp, AUC, Pc = joblib.Parallel(n_jobs=3)(joblib.delayed(FOMs_test)(jj,image, Center_xy, BkgCenter_xy, roiSize_xy, Chnl,Resampling, Validation) for jj in range(2))
After I run the above code, I got the following error message:
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-2-81843d48c033> in <module>
----> 1 dp, AUC, Pc = joblib.Parallel(n_jobs=3)(joblib.delayed(FOMs_test)(jj,image, Center_xy, BkgCenter_xy, roiSize_xy, Chnl,Resampling, Validation) for jj in range(2))
ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 3, got 2)
How can I solve this?
The error message indicates that there are not enough values being returned from the joblib.Parallel
call to unpack into the variables dp
, and Pc
This is because the joblib.Parallel
call is currently only returning two sets of values, one for jj
=0 and another for jj
=1. To get the results of all 100 function calls, you need to adjust the range of the loop to range(100)
instead of range(2)
Also, you need to use a container to store the results from each iteration of the loop, such as a list, and then concatenate the results from all iterations into the final variables dp
, and Pc
Here's an updated version of the code that should work:
import joblib
def FOMs_test(jj, image, Center_xy, BkgCenter_xy, roiSize_xy, Chnl, Resampling, Validation):
# ... omit some code here
_, dp_jj, AUC_jj, Pc_jj = Function_test(sig, bkg, channel, Noise, Resampling)
return dp_jj, AUC_jj, Pc_jj
results = joblib.Parallel(n_jobs=3)(
joblib.delayed(FOMs_test)(jj, image, Center_xy, BkgCenter_xy, roiSize_xy, Chnl, Resampling, Validation)
for jj in range(100)
# concatenate the results from all iterations
dp, AUC, Pc = map(lambda x: np.concatenate(x, axis=0), zip(*results))