
Train a classification model using the "rpart" and "caret" libraries in R with four classes: how to define accuracy metric

The following code trains a classification model using the "rpart" and "caret" libraries in R. It uses the train() function from the "caret" library to train the model with the "rpart" method, specifically using the Gini index for splitting. The trained model is stored in the variable classifier.

classifier = train(x = training_set[, names(training_set) != "Target"],
                   y = training_set$Target,
                   method = 'rpart',
                   parms = list(split = "gini"),
                   tuneLength = 20)

The variable classifier is as follows:

> classifier

7112 samples
  89 predictor
   4 classes: 'Q1', 'Q2', 'Q3', 'Q4' 

No pre-processing
Resampling: Bootstrapped (25 reps) 
Summary of sample sizes: 7112, 7112, 7112, 7112, 7112, 7112, ... 
Resampling results across tuning parameters:

  cp            Accuracy   Kappa    
  0.0002343457  0.9536618  0.9382023
  0.0002812148  0.9535851  0.9380999
  0.0003749531  0.9535394  0.9380391
  0.0004686914  0.9539980  0.9386511
  0.0005624297  0.9539678  0.9386110
  0.0006561680  0.9543640  0.9391389
  0.0007499063  0.9540123  0.9386694
  0.0008248969  0.9536724  0.9382163
  0.0010311211  0.9536133  0.9381370
  0.0011248594  0.9532129  0.9376029
  0.0014373203  0.9515384  0.9353684
  0.0029058868  0.9470504  0.9293828
  0.0042182227  0.9388870  0.9184975
  0.0052493438  0.9336715  0.9115402
  0.0082489689  0.9247140  0.8995937
  0.0133108361  0.9169616  0.8892603
  0.0221222347  0.9060093  0.8746638
  0.0380577428  0.8739447  0.8319098
  0.2065991751  0.8156983  0.7544120
  0.3101799775  0.4304355  0.2461903

Accuracy was used to select the optimal model using the largest value.
The final value used for the model was cp = 0.000656168.

So it is a predictor based on 4 classes. The optimal model is obtained by means the accuracy metric.

In binary classification, accuracy is defined as the ratio of the number of correct predictions (true positives and true negatives) to the total number of predictions.

Mathematically, the accuracy can be calculated using the following formula:

Accuracy = (TP + TN) / (TP + TN + FP + FN)


What is the definition of accuracy used by train for multiclass problems?


  • For multiclass problems, you just need to expand the same definition of accuracy to a multiclass problem (i.e., number of true positives over all observations). Here is also a reputable source that defines a multiclass accuracy equation for map classification accuracy assessment: Congalton, 1991. In this article, overall accuracy is defined as being calculated by "dividing the total correct (i.e., the sum of the major diagonal) by the total number of pixels in the error matrix". Thus, for example, for the following confusion matrix where the predicted class is shown in the rows and the observed one in the columns:

    Class 1 2 - q Total
    1 n11 n12 - n1q n1.
    2 n21 n22 - n2q n2.
    - - - - - -
    q nq1 nq2 - nqq nq.
    Total n.1 n.2 - n.q n

    The overall accuracy would be calculated as the sum of the all the nkk, which stands for the number of correct observations for each k class, and then divided by the total number of observations (n).