Just learning to use attributes to describe function parameters and responses. I'm trying to describe a response object that returns an array of objects, but so far not a lot of luck using an array, this is what I have now, it returns an object, I would like it to be an array of objects:
response: 201,
description: "Get the list",
content: new OA\JsonContent(
properties: [
new OA\Property(
property: "property name 1",
type: "string",
example: "value 1"
new OA\Property(
property: "property name 2",
type: "string",
example: "value 2"
type: 'object'
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!
A typical way would be to use a reference of your object schema (if you have). For example, something like https://github.com/zircote/swagger-php/blob/master/Examples/using-links-php81/RepositoriesController.php#L16
If you prefer to inline the object properties, it should be similar to this (untested):
use OpenApi\Attributes as OA;
#[OA\Get(path: '/api/get')]
response: 201,
description: "Get the list",
content: new OA\JsonContent(
type: 'array',
items: new OA\Items(
// your list item
type: 'object',
properties: [
new OA\Property(
property: "property name 1",
type: "string",
example: "value 1"
new OA\Property(
property: "property name 2",
type: "string",
example: "value 2"
class Controller