
minimax algorithm (connect 4) stalling indefinitely

I am currently attempting to make a minimax algorithm for connect 4 (6x7 board) in Python. I already made a similarly structured function for tic-tac-toe that works fine but whenever I run the connect four minimax method my computer stalls for a minute or two before I kill the function. I know alpha-beta pruning is supposed to make minimax work better but I want to master minimax before implementing pruning. Is it a problem with my code, or do I have to implement alpha-beta pruning for it to work?

Note: I've already tested the boardWin and MakeMove methods so I'm pretty sure its not that

import math
class reproduce_mm:
    def __init__(self):
        self.evals = [" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "] #stores minimax values for each move calculated by minimax
    def minimax_c4(self, board, computer, move): #minimax algo
        #inputs: board = 6x7 2d array with x's and o's, computer = x or o, move = whose turn it is (x or o)
        player = "o" if computer == "x" else "x"
        next = "o" if move == "x" else "x"
        count = 1 #count is number of free spaces left in c4 board + 1
        for x in range(len(board)):
            for y in range(len(board[x])):
                if (board[x][y] == None):
                    count = count + 1
        for column in range(len(board[0])):
            if (self.emptyCol(board, column) ==  False):
                self.evals[column] = 0
        winner = self.boardWin(board)
        if (winner == computer): #return -count if winner, -count if loser
            return count
        elif (winner == player):
            return count * -1
        elif (winner == "draw"):
            return 0
            for eval in range(len(self.evals)):
                if (self.evals[eval] == 0):
                    temp = board.copy()
                    temp = self.makeMove(temp, move, eval)
                    self.evals[eval] = self.minimax_c4(temp, computer, next)
                    self.clearBoard(eval, board) 
                    #clears board of previous move in temp (Tried copy.deepcopy but not sure if it works)

            if (move == computer):
                max_val = -math.inf
                for eval in range(len(self.evals)):
                    if (self.evals[eval] != " "):
                        if (self.evals[eval] > max_val):
                            max_val = self.evals[eval]
                return max_val
            if (move == player):
                min = math.inf
                for eval in range(len(self.evals)):
                    if (self.evals[eval] != " "):
                        if (self.evals[eval] < min):
                            min = self.evals[eval]
                return min
    def clearBoard(self, c, board):
        for r in range(len(board)):
            if (board[r][c] != None):
                board[r][c] = None
    def makeMove(self, board, move, c):
        first = True
        while (first == True):
            for r in reversed(range(len(board))):
                if (first == True):
                    if (board[r][c] == None):
                        board[r][c] = move
                        first = False
        return board
    def emptyCol(self, board, c):
        full = True
        for r in reversed(range(len(board))):
            if (board[r][c] == None):
                full = False
        return full
    def chooseMove(self): #chooses move by looking at max value from self.evals
        max = None
        index = None
        for ev in range(len(self.evals)):
            if (self.evals[ev] != " "):
                if (max == None):
                    max = self.evals[ev]
                    index = ev
                elif (max != None):
                    if (ev > max):
                        max = self.evals[ev]
                        index = ev
        return index
    def boardWin(self, board):
        full_board = True
        winner = None
        switched = [[None]*6 for _ in range(7)]
        for r in range(len(switched)): # flips board sideways to check if columns are 3 in a row
            for c in range(len(switched[r])):
                switched[r][c] = board[c][r]

        for row in range(len(board)):
            for item in board[row]:
                if (item == None):
                    full_board = False
        for x1 in range(len(board)):
            if (self.across_win(board[x1]) != None):
                winner = self.across_win(board[x1])
                return winner
            for y1 in range(len(board[x1])):
                if (self.diag_win(board, x1, y1) != None):
                    winner = self.diag_win(board, x1, y1)
                    return winner
        for x2 in range(len(switched)):
            if (self.across_win(switched[x2]) != None):
                winner = self.across_win(switched[x2])
                return winner
        if (full_board == True and winner == None):
            return "draw"
        return None

    def across_win(self, row, counter = 0, winner = ""):
        if (counter == 4):
            return winner
        elif (len(row) == 0):
            return None
        elif (counter == 0):
            if (row[0] != None):
                winner = row[0]
                counter = counter + 1
            return self.across_win(row[1 : len(row)], counter, winner)
            if (row[0] == winner):
                counter = counter + 1
                return self.across_win(row[1 : len(row)], counter, winner)
                if (row[0] != None):
                    return self.across_win(row[1 : len(row)], counter = 1, winner = row[0])
                    return self.across_win(row[1 : len(row)], counter = 0, winner = "")

    def diag_win(self, board, r, c):
        if (r < 3 and c < 4):
            if (board[r][c] != None):
                if (board[r][c] == board[r + 1][c + 1] == board[r + 2][c + 2] == board[r + 3][c + 3]):
                        return str(board[r][c])
        if (r < 3 and c > 2):
            if (board[r][c] != None):
                if (board[r][c] == board[r + 1][c - 1] == board[r + 2][c - 2] == board[r + 3][c - 3]):
                    return str(board[r][c])
        return None

board = [[None, None, None, None, None, None, None],
         [None, None, None, None, None, None, None],
         [None, None, None, None, None, None, None],
         ["x", "y", None, None, None, None, None],
         ["x", "x", None, None, None, None, None],
         ["x", "y", "y", "y", None, None, None]]

ai = reproduce_mm()
print(ai.minimax_c4(board, "x", "x"))
ai.makeMove(board, "x", 0)


  • Is it a problem with my code, or do I have to implement alpha-beta pruning for it to work?

    It is a problem with the number of game states that you want to evaluate. Your minimax function is designed to keep playing moves, recursing until the end of the game is reached and so all possible (4,531,985,219,092) games are played: even worse, as the same game states are visited multiple times by exchange of moves (1. e1 d1 2. c1 leads to the same state as 1. c1 d1 2. e1), your code actually intends to visit an astronomically larger number of end states.

    Here are some measures you can take to improve:

    There are obviously more techniques than this.