I have a bayesian model made using brms:
height_nb <- brms::brm(height_mm ~ dist + altitude + (1|trans.pair), seed = 010123,
data = dat, family = negbinomial(link = "log", link_shape = "log"),
# fitting information
chains = 3, iter = 5000, warmup = 1000, cores = 4)
A plot can be made using plot(conditional_effects(phyemp_height_nb))[[1]]
that shows the effect of dist
on height_mm
How can I plot this in ggplot2 so I can edit aspects of the plot (background, axes text, etc.)?
already returns a plot of class ggplot
. You can add a theme of your choice or specification like: plot( ..., theme = your_theme_here)
To customize further, save the multiplot output of conditional_effects(your_fit_here)
like so:
the_plots <- plot(conditional_effects(your_fit_here),
ask = FALSE
... and pick and style individual plots this way:
the_plots[['dist']] + ## if 'dist' is the conditional to show
theme_minimal() + ## e. g. an existing theme of choice
labs(x = 'the distance',
y = 'the count',
title = 'amazing!',
caption = 'but mind the small print'