
error when creating a fable with as_fable()

I have generated a forecast with the tree-based method and now want to create a fable object. Therefore I created a tsibble object "fc_cart" (details at the end) with the predicted values (yhat) and bootstrapped residuals for the prediction intervals (boot).

I use the following statement to create the fable object:

fable_cart <- as_fable(fc_cart, response="yhat", distribution="boot")

And get the error:

Error in dimnames(fbl[[distribution]]) <- response : 
  'dimnames' applied to non-array
In addition: Warning message:
The dimnames of the fable's distribution are missing and have been set to match the response variables. 

I have no idea what this mean.... Would be very grateful for any help!

> print(fc_cart,n=2)
# A tsibble: 365 x 3 [1D]
  date        yhat boot          
  <date>     <dbl> <list>        
1 2022-01-01  121. <dst_smpl[1d]>
2 2022-01-02  121. <dst_smpl[1d]>
# ℹ 363 more rows

The column boot was created with (to keep the snippet short here with rnorm; in my real implementation it is a bootstrap on the training residuals):

for (i in 1:nrow(fc_cart)) {
  my_dist <- distributional::dist_sample(
  fc_cart$boot[i] <- my_dist


  • fc_cart$boot <- distributional::dist_sample(lapply(1:nrow(fc_cart), function(...) rnorm(1000)))