i want to convert selected time into timezone saved in user profile using moment-timezone library
my local system timezone is PKT(pakistan) and user has saved timezone in his Profile is AEST(australian/sydney). so when user select time i just want that time in userTimezone and send in API. e.g
const time = "07:00"
const date = "06/13/2023"
const timezone = "Australian/Sydney"
moment(`${date} ${time}`).tz(timezone).format() // 2023-06-20T12:00:00+10:00
converted time should be 7Am AESt but library has convert it into 12pm. if i change moment default timezone into user profile timezone then still i dont get correct output
const time = "07:00"
const date = "06/13/2023"
const timezone = "Australian/Sydney"
moment(`${date} ${time}`).tz(timezone).format() //2023-06-20T12:00:00+10:00
moment(`${date} ${time}`).format() //2023-06-20T12:00:00+10:00
moment.tz(`${date} ${time}`, timezone).format() // 2023-06-20T17:00:00+10:00
you can see none of the output is what i am trying to acheive. it would be greate if you let me know other library if moment does not support this.
I could not solve this issue with moment-timezone
library and so I shifted to dayjs
it solved my problem. it is correctly converting time in selected timezone.
Here is my code for this:
import dayjs from "dayjs";
import utc from "dayjs/plugin/utc"; // Import the UTC plugin for dayjs
import timezone from "dayjs/plugin/timezone";
import customParseFormat from "dayjs/plugin/customParseFormat";
// Extend dayjs with the required plugins
const getStartAndEndDateTime = (date, time, timezone, duration) => {
let startDateTime = "";
let endDateTime = "";
if (date && time) {
const formateDDate = dayjs(date).format("YYYY-MM-DD");
const formatedTime = dayjs(time, "hh:mm a").format("H:mm");
const timestamp = `${formateDDate} ${formatedTime}`;
startDateTime = dayjs.tz(timestamp, timezone || dayjs.tz.guess()).format();
endDateTime = dayjs
.tz(timestamp, timezone || dayjs.tz.guess())
.add(duration.value, "m")
return { start_datetime: startDateTime, end_datetime: endDateTime };