I am trying to implement Vuelidate into my Vue Form. I have 2 fields, Phone Number and Email. I want to check if either of them is set. I assume this is the "Or" Validator, but I can not find any examples how to implement it.I found something on here and tried to copy it, but get phone not defined. I also found something on GitHub, but again this was not working. I justy dont understand how this is supposed to work. So Validation should pass if either is entered and only fail if both fields are empty. Am I understanding the Or Validator correct and if so, how is it supposed to work? I hope someone can give me a hint. Thank you very much in advance.
data: () => ({
form: {
email: '',
validations: {
form: {
mycustomval: or(phone)
I now got it to work. The problem was that I used form:{} so I need to use this.form.phone or this.form.mobile to get the value.
export default {
mixins: [validationMixin],
data: () => ({
form: {
email: '',
So to get it to work I have to use:
validations: {
form: {
required (v) {
return this.form.phone|| required(v)
phone: {
required (v) {
return this.form.email|| required(v)