so I am really new to this and do not really know how to ask the question correctly, so please bear with me because I really want to understand this.
So I got an object, Firms and this is the response that I get:
In code it is looks like this:
export interface Firm {
name: string
fullName: string
ein: string
crn: string
email: string
email2: string
address: string
address2: string
zip: string
city: string
country: string
phone: string
phone2: string
type: string
logo: string
disabled: true
taxPayer: true
locale: string
currency: string
domain: string
My question is how do I get "maxIncomePerYear" or "maxIncomePer365" from Firms so I can calculate with them? This is what I tried:
export class InsightsComponent implements OnInit {
insights: any;
private firmService: FirmService,
private provider: FirmProvider,
private http: HttpClient,
) {}
ngOnInit(): void {
.then(data => {
this.insights = data;
.then(data => {
this.firm = data;
calcInvoiced = (firm: number, insights: number) => {
return ((this.firms.maxIncomePerYear / this.insights.incomeForYear) * 100).toFixed(2);
This is how I solved it:
export class InsightsComponent implements OnInit {
insights: any;
firm: any;
private firmService: FirmService,
private provider: FirmProvider,
private http: HttpClient,
) {}
ngOnInit(): void {
.then(data => {
this.insights = data;
.then(data => {
this.firm = data;
calcInvoiced = (firm: any, insights: any, suffix: string): string => {
if (!firm || !insights) {
return '0';
return (this.insights.incomeForYear / this.firm.maxIncomePerYear * 100).toFixed(2) + suffix;