I need to calculate a cumulative sum (the same constant is added in each iteration) but with two if/else conditions:
When I try to write it, the second if/else doesn't work. Is it possible to use two conditions with accumulate()? Or maybe it can't account for time because this is an additional variable? I found an example with one if/else on Stack Overflow, so I guess I incorrectly incorporated a second if/else.
I would be grateful if someone can suggest any idea how to do it, including any other different way to solve my task.
k_in = 2 # constant to add in each iteration
tmax = 24*2*60 # two days in minutes
x <- tibble(time = c(1:tmax), # vector of time in minutes
time_h = time/60, # vector of time in hours
time2 = (time_h %% 24), # vector of time in p.m - a.m
value = rep(k_in, tmax), # value to accumulate
Sum = accumulate(value, ~ifelse(.x + .y <= 400, .x + .y,
ifelse( (time2 >= 22 | time2 < 6), .x, -k_in + .y))))
This creates Sum column that accumulates up to 400 and continues to keep it at 400 even if it is daytime already.
If I change the second if/else to the opposite one it is just resetting and accumulating again up to 400 independently from day/night time.
You could try using accumulate2
and provide time2
as another argument. Then refer to arguments ..1, ..2, ..3 in order as follows:
Sum = accumulate2(
~if(.x + .y <= 400) ..1 + ..2 else if (..3 >= 22 | ..3 < 6) ..1 else -k_in + ..2,
.init = first(value))