
How do I suppress "working" messasge from download / upload commands

When I run JFrog CLI jf rt download and jf rt upload commands, I get "working" messages as the download / upload progresses, even when JFROG_CLI_LOG_LEVEL=WARN is set:

 Working ∙●∙∙∙∙               
 || 25.0KiB/25.0KiB
 || 24.8KiB/24.8KiB
 || 228.0KiB/228.0KiB
 || 300.3KiB/300.3KiB
 || 17.9KiB/17.9KiB
 || 24.0KiB/24.0KiB
 || 76.0KiB/76.0KiB

How can I suppress these "working" messages? @yahavi, you answered my previous JFrog CLI: How do I suspress "jf rt search --count" infomational messages? question, so maybe you know the answer to this question as well.


  • To disable progress indicators when running a CLI command on a local machine, you can set the CI environment variable to TRUE:

    export CI=TRUE
    jf rt download

    One liner:

    CI=true jf rt download