
Sylius and Doctrine expression builder - multiple fields filter

I am using Sylius 1.11 and I am trying to build a custom filter based on a custom field of the native Order entity.

The field is called author and it reference the adminUser_id. Sometimes, there is no adminUser_id so the field is null in the database.

I want to create a multi-select filter to find orders when adminUser_id equals 2 and is null.

So, here is the filter :



namespace App\Component\App\Grid\Filter;

use Sylius\Component\Grid\Data\DataSourceInterface;
use Sylius\Component\Grid\Filtering\FilterInterface;

final class MultiselectFilterAuthor implements FilterInterface
    public function apply(DataSourceInterface $dataSource, string $name, $data, array $options): void
        if (empty($data)) {

        $field = $options['field'] ?? $name;

        $expressionBuilder = $dataSource->getExpressionBuilder();

        $expressions[] = $expressionBuilder->isNull('author');
        $expressions[] = $expressionBuilder->in('', [2]);


If I try each expressions independently, it works.

$expressions[] = $expressionBuilder->isNull('author');

-> show only the orders with an author === null

but when I combine them, it doesn't works


  • I finally found out why it wasn't working...

    I needed to add an author join in the Sylius grid query builder for the Order entity :

    public function createListQueryBuilder(): QueryBuilder
            $qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('o');
            return $qb
                ->leftJoin('o.customer', 'customer')
                ->leftJoin('', 'author')
                ->leftJoin('customer.contacts', 'contacts')