I am using SQL Ole Automation procedures to post content to Apis and then read the responses, all work successfully. I have run into an issue with a specific API, in the case when the Response Code is not 200 then the 'responseText' is not in a readable format. I ran the same request in Postman and I am getting regular json string in the response.
Sql Response:
Postman Response:
I have tried to use sql sp_OAGetProperty @itoken, 'responseBody'
to get the binary data but was unable to convert the response into readable text.
sql binary result
This is the body of my procedure which posts to the API:
exec @iOAProcReturnCode = sp_OACreate 'MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP', @iToken OUT;
IF @iOAProcReturnCode <> 0
select @vchErrorMessage = dbo.fnConcatOAErrorMessage('Unable to open HTTP connection.', @iOAProcReturnCode);
throw 50000, @vchErrorMessage, 1
-- Set up the request.
EXEC @iOAProcReturnCode = sp_OAMethod @iToken, 'open', NULL, 'POST', @vchUrl, 'false';
if @vchAuthHeader > ''
EXEC @iOAProcReturnCode = sp_OAMethod @iToken, 'setRequestHeader', Null, 'Authorization', @vchAuthHeader;
exec @iOAProcReturnCode = sp_OAMethod @iToken, 'setRequestHeader', null, 'Content-type', @vchContentType;
-- Send the request
EXEC @iOAProcReturnCode = sp_OAMethod @iToken, 'send', NULL, @vchBodyContent
IF @iOAProcReturnCode <> 0
select @vchErrorMessage = dbo.fnConcatOAErrorMessage('Unable to open connection and send request.', @iOAProcReturnCode);
throw 50000, @vchErrorMessage, 1
--Read the response
--This is what fails in the case of a non 200 statusCode
insert @tResponseText
EXEC sys.sp_OAGetProperty @iToken, 'responseText'
IF @iOAProcReturnCode <> 0
select @vchErrorMessage = dbo.fnConcatOAErrorMessage('Unable to get response text.', @iOAProcReturnCode);
throw 50000, @vchErrorMessage, 1
exec @iOAProcReturnCode = sp_OAGetProperty @iToken, 'status', @vchStatusCode OUT;
exec @iOAProcReturnCode = sp_OAGetProperty @iToken, 'statusText', @vchStatusText OUT;
IF @iOAProcReturnCode <> 0
select @vchErrorMessage = dbo.fnConcatOAErrorMessage('Unable to get status property.', @iOAProcReturnCode);
throw 50000, @vchErrorMessage, 1
Has anyone experienced this issue? Am I missing something?
Thanks @siggemannen for pointing me in the direction of comparing the headers. I was able to see that the Content-Encoding
for a non 200 success code is gzip
as @AlwaysLearning had already pointed out.
I was then able to cast(decompress(vchResponse) as varchar(max))
and get the response as a readable string.
This is the simplified version of my procedure which gets the response header and then decompresses it.
@ContentEncoding varchar(400)
declare @tResponseText table(vchResponse varbinary(max))
exec @iOAProcReturnCode = sp_OACreate 'MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP', @iToken OUT;
-- Send the request.
EXEC @iOAProcReturnCode = sp_OAMethod @iToken, 'send', NULL, @vchBodyContent
-- Read the response
insert @tResponseText
EXEC sys.sp_OAGetProperty @iToken, 'responseBody'
EXEC @iOAProcReturnCode = sp_OAMethod @iToken, 'getResponseHeader', @ContentEncoding out, 'Content-Encoding'
select @vchResponse = case
when @ContentEncoding = 'gzip'
then cast(decompress(vchResponse) as varchar(max))
else cast(vchResponse as varchar(max))
from @tResponseText