I need to change the content of a text layer in my PSD file. Here is my code:
from psd_tools import PSDImage
psd = PSDImage.load("raw.psd")
number_layer = list(filter(lambda layer: layer.name == "some cool layer", psd.descendants()))[0]
number_layer.text = "Smth"
When I try to change the text layer, it throws
AttributeError: property 'text' of 'TypeLayer' object has no setter
. Why? How can I change text of my layer?
Searched all Google, but didn't find anything useful.
As I searched through the source code of psd-tools
, I found this line that says:
Currently, textual information is read-only.
So that means you can't change the text but only read it. That justifies the error AttributeError: property 'text' of 'TypeLayer' object has no setter
Same at this line a little below the first one:
def text(self):
Text in the layer. Read-only.
.. note:: New-line character in Photoshop is `'\\\\r'`.
return self._data.text_data.get(b'Txt ').value.rstrip('\x00')