I create software for pharmacies to validate drugs in NMVS. The program should work in such a way that I scan the drug code with a handheld scanner, click "Verify" and connect to NMVS. Most of the work is done, but to correctly verify the drug, I need to extract from the GTIN code (PC), batch number (LoT), serial number (SN) and expiry date (EXP)
Here are the scan results for the test drugs:
I know that it's GS1 DataMatrix format and GTIN is prefixed with 01 (following 14 digits is GTIN), LoT with prefix 10 (following 1-20 alphanumeric characters is LoT), SN with prefix 21 (following 1-20 alphanumeric characters is LoT) LoT) and the expiry date is prefixed with 17 (following 6 digits is EXP).
For the given examples, I should have e.g.:
"gtin": "05909991380823",
"lot": "03ZP08",
"sn": "0XXFAE5AWA6RF8",
"exp": "230831"
"gtin": "05909990054152",
"lot": "1123926",
"sn": "62RB6FBN09",
"exp": "220701"
"gtin": "05909991099688",
"lot": "100013978",
"sn": "10032256777383",
"exp": "210930"
"gtin": "05909990795420",
"lot": "040322",
"sn": "90EPCNT32ZH558",
"exp": "250331"
"gtin": "05909990328413",
"lot": "C48700",
"sn": "YCK3EB53CNZXD",
"exp": "250831"
"gtin": "05909990071029",
"lot": "10MU4654",
"sn": "116589547202",
"exp": "241031"
The problem is that these sections can be in any order and of varying lengths. Only GTIN and EXP have a fixed length.
I created a regex to extract these sections: ^(?=.*01(\d{14}))(?=.*10([a-zA-Z0-9]{1,20}))(? =.*17(\d{6}))(?=.*21([a-zA-Z0-9]{1,20})).*$
but unfortunately it doesn't work properly. The client is written in Javascript (not in TS, exactly in AngularJS - yes, it's a legacy project, I'm trying to persuade the company to update it), and the server in Java.
I'm looking for any solution - whether it's a regex, library (Javascript or Java), external API - for this problem, personally I'm running out of ideas...
Also, I'll add that the handheld scanner I'm using is the Zebra DS2208.
I would appreciate any help on this topic.
I tried read barcode scanner output character by character, but I don't see a pattern. This is what I got:
I did it! I noticed that GTIN and EXP are always extracted in proper way, so I tried something like this:
const extractDataMatrix = (code) => {
const response = {gtin: '', lot: '', sn: '', exp: ''};
let responseCode = code;
const prefixes = [
{prefix: '01', key: 'gtin', length: 14},
{prefix: '17', key: 'exp', length: 6}
prefixes.forEach(({prefix, key, length}) => {
const position = responseCode.indexOf(prefix);
if (position !== -1) {
const start = position + prefix.length;
const end = start + length;
response[key] = responseCode.substring(start, end);
responseCode = responseCode.slice(0, position) + responseCode.slice(end);
const lotAndSn = extractLotAndSn(responseCode);
response.lot = lotAndSn.lot;
response.sn = lotAndSn.sn;
return response;
const extractLotAndSn = (responseCode) => {
const pattern = /^(10.+?)(?=10|21)(21.+?)$|^(21.+?)(?=10|21)(10.+?)$/;
const matches = responseCode.match(pattern);
if (!matches) return {lot: '', sn: ''};
const [lot1, sn1, sn2, lot2] = matches.slice(1);
const lot = (lot1 || lot2 || '').substring(2);
const sn = (sn1 || sn2 || '').substring(2);
return checkLotAndSn(lot, sn, responseCode);
const checkLotAndSn = (lot, sn, responseCode) => {
if (responseCode.includes("1010") && !responseCode.includes("10100")) {
const isLotStart = lot.startsWith("10");
if (isLotStart) {
lot = lot.slice(2);
sn += "10";
} else if (responseCode.includes("2121") && responseCode.includes("21210")) {
const isSnStart = sn.startsWith("21");
if (isSnStart) {
sn = sn.slice(2);
lot += "21";
return {lot, sn};
I think it can be optimized anyway, but for now I don't care ;).
What is going on?
I check prefixes with fixed length (GTIN and EX).forEach
I remove it from responseCode
to extractLotAndSn()
function remove prefix from start of sequence and add it to previous sequence.10100
and 21210
is part of
everything is splitted correctly, so I excluded it from swap.