I am trying to create a animation where there is scrollable component that scrolls horizontally. Something like
I thought of using Scrollable tabs and it works to some extent except, I am still figuring out how to reduce space between the crop items that you see in the above gif
What I have tried?
fun CropBar(onCropClicked: (Int) -> Unit) {
var selectedIndex by remember { mutableStateOf(0) }
val pages = listOf("kotlin", "java", "c#", "php", "golang","A","B","C")
val colors = listOf(Color.Yellow, Color.Red, Color.White, Color.Blue, Color.Magenta)
val indicator = @Composable { tabPositions: List<TabPosition> ->
val color = when (selectedIndex) {
0 -> colors[0]
1 -> colors[1]
2 -> colors[2]
3 -> colors[3]
else -> colors[4]
CustomIndicator(tabPositions = tabPositions, selectedIndex = selectedIndex, color)
modifier = Modifier
selectedTabIndex = selectedIndex,
containerColor = Color(0xFF03753C),
indicator = indicator,
edgePadding = 0.dp,
divider = {
) {
pages.forEachIndexed { index, title ->
modifier = Modifier
selected = selectedIndex == index,
onClick = {
selectedIndex = index
interactionSource = NoRippleInteractionSource()
) {
private fun CustomIndicator(tabPositions: List<TabPosition>, selectedIndex: Int, color: Color) {
val transition = updateTransition(selectedIndex, label = "transition")
val indicatorStart by transition.animateDp(
transitionSpec = {
durationMillis = 500,
easing = LinearOutSlowInEasing
label = ""
) {
val indicatorEnd by transition.animateDp(
transitionSpec = {
durationMillis = 500,
easing = LinearOutSlowInEasing
label = "",
) {
.padding(top = 8.dp)
.offset(x = indicatorStart)
.wrapContentSize(align = Alignment.BottomStart)
.width(indicatorEnd - indicatorStart)
// Replace with your image id
painterResource(id = R.drawable.ic_test), // some background vector drawable image
contentScale = ContentScale.FillWidth,
colorFilter = ColorFilter.tint(color) // for tinting
fun SampleImage(selectedIndex: Int) {
modifier = Modifier,
) {
modifier = Modifier
.padding(top = 8.dp)
painter = painterResource(id = R.drawable.ic_img_round),
contentDescription = "Image"
if(selectedIndex == 1) {
text = "180 Days",
fontSize = 8.sp,
modifier = Modifier
.padding(top = 18.dp)
.graphicsLayer {
translationX = 5f
class NoRippleInteractionSource : MutableInteractionSource {
override val interactions: Flow<Interaction> = emptyFlow()
override suspend fun emit(interaction: Interaction) {}
override fun tryEmit(interaction: Interaction) = true
Result : The code is just a rough sample.
Desired Result : I should be able to control the spacing between tab items. I am not looking for solution using only scrollable tabs. In fact any scrollable component with selected item having a background and transitioning the background to new selected item is okay. I thought of using something like Row with a drawBehind of Image at a offset and then get the clicked item position and move the background to selected Items. Any other solution or ideas?
Just in case it helps : https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/234942462
Note: I check with uiautomaterviewer the plantix app. They use a a custom horizontall scrollview and they use a framelayout. The curves are custom path using cubic bezier curve. I guess the calculate offset of clicked crop or bounds and then move the background view to and from a certain offset.
Unfortunately, minumum width tabs are measured with is a fixed value
private val ScrollableTabRowMinimumTabWidth = 90.dp
but this can be updated by copy pasting ScrollableTabRow source code and changing this or not using a Constraints with minimum width.
The one on top is with default width and for the one at the bottom i changed minimum width a Measurable can be measured to 0.dp
which means it can be measured with any value between 0-and max
private fun Test() {
CropBar() {
fun CropBar(onCropClicked: (Int) -> Unit) {
Column {
Spacer(modifier = Modifier.height(20.dp))
var selectedIndex by remember { mutableStateOf(0) }
val pages = listOf("kotlin", "java", "c#", "php", "golang", "A", "B", "C")
val colors = listOf(Color.Yellow, Color.Red, Color.White, Color.Blue, Color.Magenta)
val indicator = @Composable { tabPositions: List<TabPosition> ->
val color = when (selectedIndex) {
0 -> colors[0]
1 -> colors[1]
2 -> colors[2]
3 -> colors[3]
else -> colors[4]
CustomIndicator(tabPositions = tabPositions, selectedIndex = selectedIndex, color)
modifier = Modifier
selectedTabIndex = selectedIndex,
backgroundColor = Color(0xFF03753C),
indicator = indicator,
edgePadding = 0.dp,
divider = {
) {
pages.forEachIndexed { index, title ->
modifier = Modifier
selected = selectedIndex == index,
onClick = {
selectedIndex = index
interactionSource = NoRippleInteractionSource()
) {
Spacer(modifier = Modifier.height(20.dp))
modifier = Modifier
selectedTabIndex = selectedIndex,
backgroundColor = Color(0xFF03753C),
indicator = indicator,
minItemWidth = 0.dp,
edgePadding = 0.dp,
divider = {
) {
pages.forEachIndexed { index, title ->
modifier = Modifier
selected = selectedIndex == index,
onClick = {
selectedIndex = index
interactionSource = NoRippleInteractionSource()
) {
fun MyScrollableTabRow(
selectedTabIndex: Int,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
minItemWidth:Dp =ScrollableTabRowMinimumTabWidth,
backgroundColor: Color = MaterialTheme.colors.primarySurface,
contentColor: Color = contentColorFor(backgroundColor),
edgePadding: Dp = TabRowDefaults.ScrollableTabRowPadding,
indicator: @Composable @UiComposable
(tabPositions: List<TabPosition>) -> Unit = @Composable { tabPositions ->
divider: @Composable @UiComposable () -> Unit =
@Composable {
tabs: @Composable @UiComposable () -> Unit
) {
modifier = modifier,
color = backgroundColor,
contentColor = contentColor
) {
val scrollState = rememberScrollState()
val coroutineScope = rememberCoroutineScope()
val scrollableTabData = remember(scrollState, coroutineScope) {
scrollState = scrollState,
coroutineScope = coroutineScope
.wrapContentSize(align = Alignment.CenterStart)
) { constraints ->
// 🔥 Change this to 0 or
val minTabWidth = minItemWidth.roundToPx()
val padding = edgePadding.roundToPx()
// 🔥or use constraints to measure each tab with its own width or
// a another value instead of them having at least 90.dp
val tabConstraints = constraints.copy(minWidth = minTabWidth)
val tabPlaceables = subcompose(com.smarttoolfactory.tutorial1_1basics.chapter6_graphics.TabSlots.Tabs, tabs)
.map { it.measure(tabConstraints) }
var layoutWidth = padding * 2
var layoutHeight = 0
tabPlaceables.forEach {
layoutWidth += it.width
layoutHeight = maxOf(layoutHeight, it.height)
// Position the children.
layout(layoutWidth, layoutHeight) {
// Place the tabs
val tabPositions = mutableListOf<TabPosition>()
var left = padding
tabPlaceables.forEach {
it.placeRelative(left, 0)
tabPositions.add(TabPosition(left = left.toDp(), width = it.width.toDp()))
left += it.width
// The divider is measured with its own height, and width equal to the total width
// of the tab row, and then placed on top of the tabs.
subcompose(com.smarttoolfactory.tutorial1_1basics.chapter6_graphics.TabSlots.Divider, divider).forEach {
val placeable = it.measure(
minHeight = 0,
minWidth = layoutWidth,
maxWidth = layoutWidth
placeable.placeRelative(0, layoutHeight - placeable.height)
// The indicator container is measured to fill the entire space occupied by the tab
// row, and then placed on top of the divider.
subcompose(com.smarttoolfactory.tutorial1_1basics.chapter6_graphics.TabSlots.Indicator) {
}.forEach {
it.measure(Constraints.fixed(layoutWidth, layoutHeight)).placeRelative(0, 0)
density = this@SubcomposeLayout,
edgeOffset = padding,
tabPositions = tabPositions,
selectedTab = selectedTabIndex
class TabPosition internal constructor(val left: Dp, val width: Dp) {
val right: Dp get() = left + width
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (this === other) return true
if (other !is TabPosition) return false
if (left != other.left) return false
if (width != other.width) return false
return true
override fun hashCode(): Int {
var result = left.hashCode()
result = 31 * result + width.hashCode()
return result
override fun toString(): String {
return "TabPosition(left=$left, right=$right, width=$width)"
object TabRowDefaults {
* Default [Divider], which will be positioned at the bottom of the [TabRow], underneath the
* indicator.
* @param modifier modifier for the divider's layout
* @param thickness thickness of the divider
* @param color color of the divider
fun Divider(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
thickness: Dp = DividerThickness,
color: Color = LocalContentColor.current.copy(alpha = DividerOpacity)
) {
androidx.compose.material.Divider(modifier = modifier, thickness = thickness, color = color)
* Default indicator, which will be positioned at the bottom of the [TabRow], on top of the
* divider.
* @param modifier modifier for the indicator's layout
* @param height height of the indicator
* @param color color of the indicator
fun Indicator(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
height: Dp = IndicatorHeight,
color: Color = LocalContentColor.current
) {
.background(color = color)
* [Modifier] that takes up all the available width inside the [TabRow], and then animates
* the offset of the indicator it is applied to, depending on the [currentTabPosition].
* @param currentTabPosition [TabPosition] of the currently selected tab. This is used to
* calculate the offset of the indicator this modifier is applied to, as well as its width.
fun Modifier.tabIndicatorOffset(
currentTabPosition: TabPosition
): Modifier = composed(
inspectorInfo = debugInspectorInfo {
name = "tabIndicatorOffset"
value = currentTabPosition
) {
val currentTabWidth by animateDpAsState(
targetValue = currentTabPosition.width,
animationSpec = tween(durationMillis = 250, easing = FastOutSlowInEasing)
val indicatorOffset by animateDpAsState(
targetValue = currentTabPosition.left,
animationSpec = tween(durationMillis = 250, easing = FastOutSlowInEasing)
.offset(x = indicatorOffset)
* Default opacity for the color of [Divider]
const val DividerOpacity = 0.12f
* Default thickness for [Divider]
val DividerThickness = 1.dp
* Default height for [Indicator]
val IndicatorHeight = 2.dp
* The default padding from the starting edge before a tab in a [ScrollableTabRow].
val ScrollableTabRowPadding = 52.dp
private enum class TabSlots {
* Class holding onto state needed for [ScrollableTabRow]
private class ScrollableTabData(
private val scrollState: ScrollState,
private val coroutineScope: CoroutineScope
) {
private var selectedTab: Int? = null
fun onLaidOut(
density: Density,
edgeOffset: Int,
tabPositions: List<TabPosition>,
selectedTab: Int
) {
// Animate if the new tab is different from the old tab, or this is called for the first
// time (i.e selectedTab is `null`).
if (this.selectedTab != selectedTab) {
this.selectedTab = selectedTab
tabPositions.getOrNull(selectedTab)?.let {
// Scrolls to the tab with [tabPosition], trying to place it in the center of the
// screen or as close to the center as possible.
val calculatedOffset = it.calculateTabOffset(density, edgeOffset, tabPositions)
if (scrollState.value != calculatedOffset) {
coroutineScope.launch {
animationSpec = ScrollableTabRowScrollSpec
* @return the offset required to horizontally center the tab inside this TabRow.
* If the tab is at the start / end, and there is not enough space to fully centre the tab, this
* will just clamp to the min / max position given the max width.
private fun TabPosition.calculateTabOffset(
density: Density,
edgeOffset: Int,
tabPositions: List<TabPosition>
): Int = with(density) {
val totalTabRowWidth = tabPositions.last().right.roundToPx() + edgeOffset
val visibleWidth = totalTabRowWidth - scrollState.maxValue
val tabOffset = left.roundToPx()
val scrollerCenter = visibleWidth / 2
val tabWidth = width.roundToPx()
val centeredTabOffset = tabOffset - (scrollerCenter - tabWidth / 2)
// How much space we have to scroll. If the visible width is <= to the total width, then
// we have no space to scroll as everything is always visible.
val availableSpace = (totalTabRowWidth - visibleWidth).coerceAtLeast(0)
return centeredTabOffset.coerceIn(0, availableSpace)
private val ScrollableTabRowMinimumTabWidth = 90.dp
* [AnimationSpec] used when scrolling to a tab that is not fully visible.
private val ScrollableTabRowScrollSpec: AnimationSpec<Float> = tween(
durationMillis = 250,
easing = FastOutSlowInEasing