
How do I add days to a date in a query?

I'm using libreoffice base with an embedded HSQLDB database. I have a query extracting a single line from a table.
SELECT "ID", "Name", "Date" FROM "Table" WHERE "ID" = ?

I would like to add a field "Due Date" that displays a date 30 days after "Date".
So far I have tried:

  1. ..., "Date" + 30 AS "Due Date", ... Wrong date type: java.lang.NumberFormatException

  2. ..., DATEADD(D, 30, "Date") AS "Due Date", ... Syntax error in SQL statement

  3. ..., DATEADD("d", 30, "Date") AS "Due Date", ... Access is denied: DATEADD in statement

  4. ..., DATEADD("Date", INTERVAL 30 DAY) AS "Due Date", ... Syntax error in SQL statement

  5. ..., "Date" + TO_DATE( 30 ) AS "Due Date", ... Access is denied: TO_DATE in statement

  6. ..., "Date" + INTERVAL 30 DAYS AS "Due Date", ... Syntax error in SQL statement

  7. ..., CAST("Date" AS INT) AS "Due Date", ... Wrong data type: java.lang.NumberFormatException

  8. ..., CAST("Date" AS FLOAT) AS "Due Date", ... Wrong data type: java.lang.NumberFormatException

  9. ..., CONVERT(INT, "Date") AS "Due Date", ... Syntax error in SQL statement

  10. ..., CONVERT('int', "Date") AS "Due Date", ... Wrong data type: Date in statement

  11. ..., DATEDIFF(DAY, '1899-12-30T00:00:00', "Date") AS "Due Date", ... Syntax error in SQL statement

  12. ..., DATEDIFF('1899-12-30T00:00:00', "Date") AS "Due Date", ... No error, but no output either

  13. ..., DATEDIFF('d', '1899-12-30T00:00:00', "Date") AS "Due Date", ... Wrong data type: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException

  14. ..., CAST( ( DATEDIFF( 'day', '1899-12-30 00:00:00', "Date" ) + 30 ) AS DATE ) AS "Due Date", ... Wrong data type: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException

  15. ..., CAST( ( DATEDIFF( 'day', '1899-12-30 00:00:00', "Date" ) + 30 ) AS DATETIME ) AS "Due Date", ... Wrong data type: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Timestamp format must be yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss[.fffffffff]

  16. ..., "Date" + DAYS( '1900-01-30 00:00:00' ) AS "Due Date", ... Access is denied: DAYS in statement

  17. ..., "Date" + DAY( '1900-01-30 00:00:00' ) AS "Due Date", ... Wrong data type: java.lang.NumberFormatException

  18. ..., "Date" + '1900-01-30 00:00:00' AS "Due Date", ... Syntax error in SQL statement

  19. ..., "Date" + CAST( '1900-01-30 00:00:00' AS DATE ) AS "Due Date", ... Wrong data type: java.lang.NumberFormatException

  20. ..., CAST( "Date" AS "DATETIME" ) + CAST( '1900-01-30 00:00:00' AS "DATETIME" ) AS "Due Date", ... Wrong data type: java.lang.NumberFormatException

  21. ..., CAST( YEAR( "Date" ) || '-' || MONTH( "Date" ) || '-' || ( DAY( "Date" ) + 30 ) AS "DATE" ) AS "Due Date", ... Wrong data type: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException

This is not a duplicate of Add Interval to date in HSQLDB as I have not been successful in using INTERVAL as demonstrated in my 4th and 6th attempts.

22. ..., "Date" + INTERVAL '30' DAYS AS "Due Date", ... Syntax error in SQL statement

  1. ..., "Date" + 30 * INTERVAL '1' DAYS AS "Due Date", ... Syntax error in SQL statement

  2. ..., "Date" + INTERVAL '1' MONTH AS "Due Date", ... Syntax error in SQL statement

  3. ..., "Date" + (INTERVAL '1' MONTH) AS "Due Date", ... Syntax error in SQL statement

  4. ..., "Date" + (INTERVAL '1' DAY * 30) AS "Due Date", ... Syntax error in SQL statement


  • In HSQLDB 1.8.0 there is no equivalent function. See the list of supported functions here:


    You can use a LibreOffice extension to enable the use of the latest HSQLDB 2.x with LibreOffice:
