Suddunly got an error which state that
Could not resolve all artifacts for configuration ':common:security:cas-server:classpath'.
> Could not resolve org.scaldingspoon.gradle:gradle-waroverlay-plugin:0.9.3.
Required by:
project :common:security:cas-server
> Could not resolve org.scaldingspoon.gradle:gradle-waroverlay-plugin:0.9.3.
> Could not get resource ''.
> Could not GET ''. Received status code 401 from server:
tried by changing version and all, but still got the issue
**Gradle Version: 6.8.3**
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath "org.scaldingspoon.gradle:gradle-waroverlay-plugin:0.9.3"
apply plugin: 'waroverlay'
war {
includeWarJars = true
entryCompression = ZipEntryCompression.STORED
Resolved the issue by changing dependencies.
dependencies {
classpath "io.freefair.war-overlay:io.freefair.war-overlay.gradle.plugin:0.10.0"
apply plugin: "io.freefair.war-overlay"
war {
//includeWarJars = true - this line removed
entryCompression = ZipEntryCompression.STORED