
Autodesk APS viewer: Sheets & Views

Currently, I am working on an application that requires viewing multiple PDF/2D sheets. I have implemented the use of Autodesk.DocumentBrowser in my application as shown in the image below.

However, my college has requested a change in the application's style to resemble the BIM360 Sheets & Views tab, as depicted in the image below, is there a way to do that.

Or, can I use Autodesk.DocumentBrowser to be automatically activated and positioned in the left corner every time the viewer. enter image description here enter image description here


  • As far as I know, the Autodesk.DocumentBrowser does not support this kind of customization, unfortunately. You could resize and reposition the actual Autodesk.Viewing.UI.Panel holding the DocumentBrowser content to turn it into a sidebar but that's a bit too hacky IMHO.

    If you want a look&feel similar to that of BIM360, I'd suggest that you simply build it yourself as vanilla HTML. You could look at the DocumentBrowser source code (specifically the ThumbnailListView class) for reference.