
How to set custom custom primary and gray colors in Nuxt TailwindCSS module?

I'm trying to set a custom primary and gray colors for my site that uses Nuxt with the TailwindCSS module. The documentation says to make your own tailwind.config.ts file, however even though I have a different primary color set there, I still end up getting the default green primary color.

Here's my tailwind.config.ts:

import type { Config } from 'tailwindcss';
import defaultTheme from 'tailwindcss/defaultTheme';
import tailwindTypography from '@tailwindcss/typography';

export const screens = {
  xs: '320px',
  xsm: '400px',
  sm: '640px',
  md: '768px',
  lg: '1024px',
  xl: '1280px',
  '2xl': '1536px',
export type ScreenType = keyof typeof screens | 'all';

export default <Partial<Config>>{
  darkMode: 'class',
  theme: {
    extend: {
      colors: {
        white: '#ffffff',
        black: `#000000`,
        primary: defaultTheme.colors.yellow,
      height: {
        '128': '32rem',
        '192': '48rem',
      letterSpacing: {
        wide: '0.1em',
        wider: '0.25em',
        widest: '0.5em',
      fontSize: {
        '9xl': '9rem',
        '10xl': '10rem',
  plugins: [tailwindTypography],

And here's the relevant parts of my nuxt.config.ts:

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  tailwindcss: {
    configPath: '@/tailwind.config.ts',
  postcss: {
    plugins: {
      tailwindcss: {},
      autoprefixer: {},


  • I was using NuxtLabsUI as my UI framework, which has it's own theming built ontop of TailwindCSS.

    I had to set add some settings to app.config.ts to set custom colors.

    Here are my final working configs:

    // app.config.ts
    export default defineAppConfig({
      ui: {
        primary: 'customPrimary',
        gray: 'customGray',
    // tailwind.config.ts
    export default {
      theme: {
        extend: {
          colors: {
            customPrimary: {
              50: '#F8F4EB',
              100: '#F3EBDB',
              200: '#E9DABD',
              300: '#DFC99E',
              400: '#D1B274',
              500: '#C39A4A',
              600: '#A07C35',
              700: '#765B27',
              800: '#4C3A19',
              900: '#211A0B',
              950: '#0C0A04',
            customGray: {
              50: '#FFFFFF',
              100: '#F5F7F9',
              200: '#DCE2E9',
              300: '#C3CED9',
              400: '#AABAC9',
              500: '#91A6B9',
              600: '#7891A9',
              700: '#617D98',
              800: '#51697F',
              900: '#415466',
              950: '#364655',

    I also used to automatically generate my gray and primary palettes based off of some base colors.