
When developing a library for PlatformIO and ESP32, what ifdef macro name can determine if compiling using PlatformIO?

When developing a library for PlatformIO and ESP32 (but also other platforms/environments), what ifdef macro name can be used to determine if the code is being compiled using PlatformIO?

For example, #ifdef ESP32 can be used to determine whether the build target is an ESP32. Is there a similar #ifdef PLATFORM_IO macro that PlatformIO automatically sets that determines whether it's being built using PlatformIO?

I tried Googling for a macro set by PlatformIO, but no results.


  • You could add your own in build_flags. Since such a macro would be defined in platformio.ini, it would be implicit that it is a PlatformIO build environment.

    Otherwise inspect platformio.ini, there may already be a suitable macro. This suggests that PLATFORMIO may be defined, further suggests: pio run -v or pio run -t envdump to check macros predefined in the build environment. YMMV - I'm just Googling this stuff!