I am trying to export excel file with dynamic columns and rows some columns contain values or some not. Please help me to solve that issue. I am using nodejs exceljs library.
It's exporting data with static columns correctly but when I am trying to map dynamic columns then worksheet.addRow
creating issue with dynamic columns mapping.
Thanks in advance.
Problem here when I assign dynamic columns key mapping. That is not supporting here.
goal_name: m.name,
goal_description: m.purpose,
created: m.created,
privacy_types_id: m.privacy_types_id,
priority: m.priority,
progress: m.stats.progress,
/*should be dyanmic key mapping all below
CustomField1: item.value,
CustomField2: item.value,
CustomField3: item.value,
CustomField4: item.value,
CustomField5: item.value,
This is my nodejs code:
const stream = new Stream.PassThrough();
const workbook = new excel.stream.xlsx.WorkbookWriter({
stream: stream,
let worksheet = workbook.addWorksheet("Goals");
// mapping static columns names
worksheet.columns = [
{ header: "Name", key: "goal_name", width: 15 },
{ header: "Description", key: "goal_description", width: 15 },
{ header: "Created Date", key: "created", width: 20 },
{ header: 'Privacy Type', key: 'privacy_types_id', width: 20 },
{ header: 'Priority', key: 'priority', width: 20 },
{ header: 'Progress', key: 'progress', width: 20 },
// let rows = [];
// Adding dynamic columns
_goals.forEach((m, pIndex) => {
if (m.fields !== null && m.fields.length > 0) {
let i = 1;
m.fields.forEach((item, index) => {
let customFieldName = item.field_name.replace(/\s/g, '_');;
let customFieldValue = item.value;
let getExistingColumns = worksheet.columns;
const found = getExistingColumns.some(el => el._header === item.field_name);
var CustomField = 'CustomField' + i;
if (!found) {
let newColumn = worksheet.getColumn(worksheet.columns.length + 1);
newColumn.header = item.field_name;
newColumn.key = 'CustomField' + i;
newColumn.width = 15;
// Adding goals rows
_goals.forEach((m, pIndex) => {
if (m.fields !== null && m.fields.length > 0) {
let i = 1;
m.fields.forEach((item, index) => {
let customFieldName = item.field_name.replace(/\s/g, '_');;
let customFieldValue = item.value;
let getExistingColumns = worksheet.columns;
const found = getExistingColumns.some(el => el._header === item.field_name);
var CustomField = 'CustomField' + i;
goal_name: m.name,
goal_description: m.purpose,
created: m.created,
privacy_types_id: m.privacy_types_id,
priority: m.priority,
progress: m.stats.progress,
CustomField1: item.value,
CustomField2: item.value,
CustomField3: item.value,
CustomField4: item.value,
CustomField5: item.value,
else {
goal_name: m.name,
goal_description: m.purpose,
created: m.created,
privacy_types_id: m.privacy_types_id,
priority: m.priority,
progress: m.stats.progress,
const file_uuid = uuidv4();
const name = 'Goals list';
const mimetype = 'application/vnd.ms-excel';
const ext = 'xlsx';
To dynamically map the columns in your Excel file using the exceljs library in Node.js, you can try doing this:
let dynamicColumns = [
{ header: "Name", key: "goal_name", width: 15 },
{ header: "Description", key: "goal_description", width: 15 },
{ header: "Created Date", key: "created", width: 20 },
{ header: 'Privacy Type', key: 'privacy_types_id', width: 20 },
{ header: 'Priority', key: 'priority', width: 20 },
{ header: 'Progress', key: 'progress', width: 20 },
m.fields.forEach((item, index) => {
let customFieldName = item.field_name.replace(/\s/g, '_');
let customFieldValue = item.value;
const found = dynamicColumns.some(col => col.key === customFieldName);
if (!found) {
header: item.field_name,
key: customFieldName,
width: 15
worksheet.columns = dynamicColumns;
_goals.forEach((m, pIndex) => {
if (m.fields !== null && m.fields.length > 0) {
let rowValues = {
goal_name: m.name,
goal_description: m.purpose,
created: m.created,
privacy_types_id: m.privacy_types_id,
priority: m.priority,
progress: m.stats.progress,
m.fields.forEach((item, index) => {
let customFieldName = item.field_name.replace(/\s/g, '_');
rowValues[customFieldName] = item.value;
} else {
goal_name: m.name,
goal_description: m.purpose,
created: m.created,
privacy_types_id: m.privacy_types_id,
priority: m.priority,
progress: m.stats.progress,