I have a dataframe, it has two columns, one is called 'PTM_loc' and another one is called 'PTM_types'
0 24
1 24;30
2 22
3 19;20;66
4 16;30;50
0 S
1 S
2 T
3 S;T
4 S;Y;T
I would like to concat (or whatever you call this action) these columns together, and get a new column like this:
0 S24
1 S24;S30
2 T22
3 S19;T20;T66
4 S16;Y30;T50
Does anyone have any ideas?
You can use a list comprehension with a double zip
from itertools import zip_longest
def combine(a, b):
a = a.split(';')
b = b.split(';')
return ';'.join(map(''.join, zip_longest(a, b, fillvalue=a[-1])))
data['PTMs')] = [combine(a,b) for a,b in zip(data['PTM_types'], data['PTM_loc'])]
# or
# from itertools import starmap
# data['PTMs'] = list(starmap(combine, zip(data['PTM_types'], data['PTM_loc'])))
Altentatively, for a pure pandas variant (just for fun, it's likely less efficient), use ffill
to fill the missing combinations:
# either in rectangular form
df['PTMs'] = (data['PTM_types']
.str.split(';', expand=True).ffill(axis=1)
+data['PTM_loc'].str.split(';', expand=True)
# or in long form
l = data['PTM_loc'].str.extractall('([^;]+)')
t = data['PTM_typs'].str.extractall('([^;]+)')
data['PTMs'] = (t.reindex_like(l).groupby(level=0).ffill().add(l)
PTM_loc PTM_types PTMs
0 24 S S24
1 24;30 S S24;S30
2 22 S S22
3 19;20;66 S;T S19;T20;T66
4 16;30;50 S;Y;T S16;Y30;T50