Transloco doesn't seem to work with Storybook anymore. I created a new clean repo with Angular, Transloco and Storybook on latest version and I always get the error:
NG0302: The pipe 'transloco' could not be found in the 'SomeComponent' component. Verify that it is declared or imported in this module. Find more at
And without using the pipe (using <ng-container *transloco="let t">) it doesnt work as well but throws no error.
import type {Meta, StoryObj} from '@storybook/angular';
import {SomeComponent} from '../app/some/some.component';
import {applicationConfig} from '@storybook/angular';
import {TranslocoRootModule} from '../app/transloco-root.module';
import {importProvidersFrom} from '@angular/core';
const meta: Meta<SomeComponent> = {
component: SomeComponent,
decorators: [
providers: [
export default meta;
type Story = StoryObj<SomeComponent>;
export const Some: Story = {
render: () => ({
props: {
label: 'SomeComponent',
primary: true,
Does anyone has an idea?
Minimal reproduction repo:
Storybook now uses standalone components and because of this, application-wide providers have to be registered differently in comparison to how they would be with NgModules. A detailed explanation can be found on Github: