
Unable to extract bubble rating and date of stay in TripAdvisor hotel reviews using Selenium

I'm currently trying to extract the hotel reviews (body and title) along with the the rating and date of stay. I've come across @Driftr95's brilliant solution for scraping data about TripAdvisor attractions, and executed with no issues.

Original URL (Attraction):

However, when I replace the URL with a hotel rather than an attraction, the code fails to return the right data.

Desired URL (Hotel):

As such, I've modified the original code to reflect the new nxt_pg_sel and review_sel containers as follows. However, the bubble rating and review date in the resulting data frame are blank.

nxt_pg_sel = ''
review_sel = 'div[data-test-target="HR_CC_CARD"]'
rev_dets_sel = {
    'from_page': ('', '"staticVal"'),
    'profile_name': 'span>a[href^="\/Profile\/"]',
    'profile_link': ('span>a[href^="\/Profile\/"]', 'href'),
    'about_reviewer': 'span:has(>a[href^="\/Profile\/"])+div',
    'review_votes': 'button[aria-label="Click to add helpful vote"]>span',
    'bubbles': ('svg[aria-label$=" of 5 bubbles"]', 'aria-label'),
    'review_link': ('a[href^="\/ShowUserReviews-"]', 'href'),
    'review_title': 'a[href^="\/ShowUserReviews-"]',
    'about_review': 'div:has(>a[href^="/ShowUserReviews-"])+div:not(:has(div))',
    'review_body': 'div:has(>a[href^="/ShowUserReviews-"])~div>div',
    'review_date': 'div:has(>a[href^="/ShowUserReviews-"])~div:last-child>div',

I also attempted to capture the stay_date which broke the code entirely.

'review_date': 'div:has(>a[href^="/ShowUserReviews-"])~div:last-child>div',

I've tried looking at the dynamic tags within the new URL but cannot seem to figure out why these elements are not being scrapped. Would appreciate any suggestions. Many many thanks !

PS the original code that works flawlessly (but for attractions) is attached below.

def selectForList(tagSoup, selectors, printList=False):
    if isinstance(selectors, dict):
        return dict(zip(selectors.keys(), selectForList(
            tagSoup, selectors.values(), printList)))
    selGen = (( list(sel if isinstance(sel, (tuple, list)) ## generate params
                else [sel])+[None]*2 )[:3] for sel in selectors)
    returnList = [  sel[0] if sel[1] == '"staticVal"' ## [allows placeholders]
                    else selectGet(tagSoup, *sel) for sel in selGen   ]
    if printList and not isinstance(printList,str): print(returnList)
    if isinstance(printList,str): print(*returnList, sep=printList)
    return returnList

##original selectors
nxt_pg_sel = 'a[href][data-smoke-attr="pagination-next-arrow"]'
review_sel = 'div[data-automation="reviewCard"]'
rev_dets_sel = {
    'from_page': ('', '"staticVal"'),
    'profile_name': 'span>a[href^="\/Profile\/"]',
    'profile_link': ('span>a[href^="\/Profile\/"]', 'href'),
    'about_reviewer': 'span:has(>a[href^="\/Profile\/"])+div',
    'review_votes': 'button[aria-label="Click to add helpful vote"]>span',
    'bubbles': ('svg[aria-label$=" of 5 bubbles"]', 'aria-label'),
    'review_link': ('a[href^="\/ShowUserReviews-"]', 'href'),
    'review_title': 'a[href^="\/ShowUserReviews-"]',
    'about_review': 'div:has(>a[href^="/ShowUserReviews-"])+div:not(:has(div))',
    'review_body': 'div:has(>a[href^="/ShowUserReviews-"])~div>div',
    'review_date': 'div:has(>a[href^="/ShowUserReviews-"])~div:last-child>div',

##set variables
csv_fn_revs = 'Scudamore_s_Punting_Company-tripadvisor_reviews.csv'
csv_fn_pgs = 'Scudamore_s_Punting_Company-tripadvisor_review_pages.csv'
pgNum, maxPages = 0, None
pageUrl = ''

##scrape data using web driver
browser = webdriver.Chrome()
browser.maximize_window() # maximize window

reveiws_list, pgList = [], []
while pageUrl and (maxPages is None or pgNum < maxPages):
    pgNum += 1
    pgList.append({'page': pgNum, 'URL': pageUrl})
        rev_dets_sel['from_page'] = (pgNum, '"staticVal"')
        pgSoup = BeautifulSoup(browser.page_source, 'html.parser')

        rev_cards =
        reveiws_list += [selectForList(r, rev_dets_sel) for r in rev_cards]
        pgList[-1]['reviews'] = len(rev_cards)

        next_page = pgSoup.select_one(nxt_pg_sel)
        if next_page:
            pageUrl = '' + next_page.get('href')
            pgList[-1]['next_page'] = pageUrl
            print('going to', pageUrl)
            pageUrl = None  # stop condition
    except Exception as e:
        print(f'Stopping on pg{pgNum} due to {type(e)}:\n{e}')

browser.quit() # Close the browser

# Save as csv
pd.DataFrame(reveiws_list).to_csv(csv_fn_revs, index=False)
pd.DataFrame(pgList).to_csv(csv_fn_pgs, index=False)


  • I also attempted to capture the stay_date which broke the code entirely.

    Did it raise an error? Could you elaborate on the error? [If it just generates irrelevant data, then that's within normal behavior since that selector now leads to something else.]

    (Also, I'm actually pleasantly surprised by how many of the old selectors still work - you often have to figure out an entirely new set of selectors for a new type of page...)

    For the bubbles, I suggest now using

        'bubbles': ('div[data-test-target="review-rating"]>span', 'class'),

    and for the stay_date, try

        'stay_date': 'div[data-test-target="review-title"]+div>div:nth-child(2)>span:first-child',

    overall, the new set of selectors I'd suggest using for hotels:

    nxt_pg_sel = '[href]'  # '[data-smoke-attr="pagination-next-arrow"]'
    # review_sel = 'div[data-automation="reviewCard"]'
    review_sel = 'div[data-test-target="HR_CC_CARD"]'
    rev_dets_sel = {
        'from_page': ('', '"staticVal"'),
        'profile_name': 'span>a[href^="\/Profile\/"]',
        'profile_link': ('span>a[href^="\/Profile\/"]', 'href'),
        # 'about_reviewer': 'span:has(>a[href^="\/Profile\/"])+div',
        'about_reviewer': 'a.ui_social_avatar+div>div+div+div',
        # 'review_votes': 'button[aria-label="Click to add helpful vote"]>span',
        # 'bubbles': ('svg[aria-label$=" of 5 bubbles"]', 'aria-label'),
        'bubbles': ('div[data-test-target="review-rating"]>span', 'class'),
        'review_link': ('a[href^="\/ShowUserReviews-"]', 'href'),
        'review_title': 'a[href^="\/ShowUserReviews-"]',
        # 'about_review': 'div:has(>a[href^="\/ShowUserReviews-"])+div:not(:has(div))',
        'review_body': 'div:has(>a[href^="\/ShowUserReviews-"])~div>div',
        # 'review_date': 'div:has(>a[href^="\/ShowUserReviews-"])~div:last-child>div',
        'stay_date': 'div[data-test-target="review-title"]+div>div:nth-child(2)>span:first-child',

    (I've uploaded my results to the same spreadsheet as before.)