I am trying to find a way to convert a string that contains a math expression to content mathml (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MathML#Content_MathML). For example, I have the example string "Vmax*S/(Km+S)" and I need it converted to
<ci> Vmax </ci>
<ci> S </ci>
<ci> Km </ci>
<ci> S </ci>
I found that I can use that mathml package like so
y = quote(Vmax*S/(Km+S))
to create presentation style mathml (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MathML#Presentation_MathML):
Unfortunately, I need the content version. If there is a function converter between presentation and content mathml, that would also work for my problem.
This recursive function has sufficient functionality to process the test expression.
toml <- function(e) {
if (is.symbol(e)) c("<ci>", as.character(e), "</ci>")
else if (identical(e[[1]], as.symbol("+")))
c("<apply>", "<plus/>", Recall(e[[2]]), Recall(e[[3]]), "</apply>")
else if (identical(e[[1]], as.symbol("-")))
c("<apply>", "<minus/>", Recall(e[[2]]), Recall(e[[3]]), "</apply>")
else if (identical(e[[1]], as.symbol("*")))
c("<apply>", "<times/>", Recall(e[[2]]), Recall(e[[3]]), "</apply>")
else if (identical(e[[1]], as.symbol("/")))
c("<apply>", "<divide/>", Recall(e[[2]]), Recall(e[[3]]), "</apply>")
else if (identical(e[[1]], as.symbol("("))) Recall(e[[2]])
# test
y <- quote(Vmax*S/(Km+S))
## [1] "<apply>" "<divide/>" "<apply>" "<times/>" "<ci>" "Vmax"
## [7] "</ci>" "<ci>" "S" "</ci>" "</apply>" "<apply>"
## [13] "<plus/>" "<ci>" "Km" "</ci>" "<ci>" "S"
## [19] "</ci>" "</apply>" "</apply>"