
Emoji count and analysis using python pandas

I am working on a sentiment analysis topic and there are a lot of comments with emojis.

I would like to know if my code is correct or is there a way to optimize it as well?

Code to do smiley count

import pandas as pd
import regex as re
import emoji

# Assuming your DataFrame is called 'df' and the column with comments is 'Document'
comments = df['Document']

# Initialize an empty dictionary to store smiley counts and types
smiley_data = {'Smiley': [], 'Count': [], 'Type': []}

# Define a regular expression pattern to match smileys
pattern = r'([\U0001F600-\U0001F64F\U0001F300-\U0001F5FF\U0001F680-\U0001F6FF\U0001F1E0-\U0001F1FF])'

# Iterate over the comments
for comment in comments:
    # Extract smileys and their types from the comment
    smileys = re.findall(pattern, comment)
    # Increment the count and store the smileys and their types
    for smiley in smileys:
        if smiley in smiley_data['Smiley']:
            index = smiley_data['Smiley'].index(smiley)
            smiley_data['Count'][index] += 1
# Create a DataFrame from the smiley data
smiley_df = pd.DataFrame(smiley_data)

# Sort the DataFrame by count in descending order
smiley_df = smiley_df.sort_values(by='Count', ascending=False)

# Print the smiley data

I am majorly not sure if my below code block is getting all the smileys

# Define a regular expression pattern to match smileys
pattern = r'([\U0001F600-\U0001F64F\U0001F300-\U0001F5FF\U0001F680-\U0001F6FF\U0001F1E0-\U0001F1FF])'

would like to know what can I do with this analysis. something else on top of it - some charts maybe?

I am also sharing a test dataset that will generate similar smiley counts as those available in my real data. Please note that the test dataset only has known smileys if there is something else. it won't be there like in a real dataset.

Test Dataset

import random
import pandas as pd

smileys = ['👍', '👌', '😍', 'ðŸŧ', '😊', '🙂', '👎', '😃', '🏞', 'ðŸ’Đ']

# Additional smileys to complete the required count
additional_smileys = ['😄', '😎', 'ðŸĪĐ', '😘', 'ðŸĪ—', '😆', '😉', '😋', '😇', 'ðŸĨģ', '🙌', '🎉', 'ðŸ”Ĩ', 'ðŸĨ°', 'ðŸĪŠ', '😜', 'ðŸĪ“',
                      '😚', 'ðŸĪ­', 'ðŸĪŦ', '😌', 'ðŸĨą', 'ðŸĨķ', 'ðŸĪŪ', 'ðŸĪĄ', '😑', 'ðŸ˜ī', '🙄', 'ðŸ˜Ū', 'ðŸĪĨ', 'ðŸ˜Ē', 'ðŸĪ', '🙈', '🙊',
                      'ðŸ‘―', 'ðŸĪ–', 'ðŸĶ„', '🐞', 'ðŸĩ', 'ðŸĶ', 'ðŸļ', 'ðŸĶ‰']

# Combine the required smileys and additional smileys
all_smileys = smileys + additional_smileys

# Set a random seed for reproducibility

# Generate a single review
def generate_review(with_smiley=False):
    review = "This movie"
    if with_smiley:
        review += " " + random.choice(all_smileys)
    review += " is "
    review += random.choice(["amazing", "excellent", "fantastic", "brilliant", "great", "good", "okay", "average",
                             "mediocre", "disappointing", "terrible", "awful", "horrible"])
    review += random.choice(["!", "!!", "!!!", ".", "..", "..."]) + " "
    review += random.choice(["Highly recommended", "Definitely worth watching", "A must-see", "I loved it",
                             "Not worth your time", "Skip it"]) + random.choice(["!", "!!", "!!!"])
    return review

# Generate the random dataset
def generate_dataset():
    dataset = []
    review_count = 5000

    # Generate reviews with top smileys
    for smiley, count, _ in top_smileys:
        while count > 0:
            review = generate_review(with_smiley=True)
            if smiley in review:
                count -= 1

    # Generate reviews with additional smileys
    additional_smileys_count = len(additional_smileys)
    additional_smileys_per_review = review_count - len(dataset)
    additional_smileys_per_review = min(additional_smileys_per_review, additional_smileys_count)

    for _ in range(additional_smileys_per_review):
        review = generate_review(with_smiley=True)

    # Generate reviews without smileys
    while len(dataset) < review_count:
        review = generate_review()

    # Shuffle the dataset
    return dataset

# List of top smileys and their counts
top_smileys = [
    ('👍', 331, ':thumbs_up:'),
    ('👌', 50, ':OK_hand:'),
    ('😍', 41, ':smiling_face_with_heart-eyes:'),
    ('ðŸŧ', 38, ':light_skin_tone:'),
    ('😊', 35, ':smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes:'),
    ('🙂', 14, ':slightly_smiling_face:'),
    ('👎', 12, ':thumbs_down:'),
    ('😃', 12, ':grinning_face_with_big_eyes:'),
    ('🏞', 10, ':medium-light_skin_tone:'),
    ('ðŸ’Đ', 10, ':pile_of_poo:')

# Generate the dataset
dataset = generate_dataset()

# Create a data frame with 'Document' column
df = pd.DataFrame({'Document': dataset})

# Display the DataFrame

Thank you in advance!


  • Update

    If you prefer to use emoji package, you can do:

    import emoji
    text = df['Document']'\n')
    out = (pd.DataFrame(emoji.emoji_list(text)).value_counts('emoji')
             .assign(Type=lambda x: x['Smiley'].apply(emoji.demojize)))


    >>> out
       Smiley  Count                              Type
    0       👍    331                       :thumbs_up:
    1       👌     50                         :OK_hand:
    2       ðŸŧ     41                 :light_skin_tone:
    3       😍     41    :smiling_face_with_heart-eyes:
    4       😊     35  :smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes:
    5       🙂     15           :slightly_smiling_face:
    6       👎     14                     :thumbs_down:
    7       😃     13     :grinning_face_with_big_eyes:
    8       🏞     10          :medium-light_skin_tone:
    9       ðŸ’Đ     10                     :pile_of_poo:
    10      😜      3        :winking_face_with_tongue:
    11      ðŸĶ‰      3                             :owl:
    12      ðŸĪ–      2                           :robot:
    13      😑      2             :expressionless_face:
    14      ðŸ‘―      2                           :alien:
    15      ðŸĪŦ      2                   :shushing_face:
    16      ðŸ˜Ē      2                     :crying_face:
    17      ðŸĪŠ      2                       :zany_face:
    18      🙈      2              :see-no-evil_monkey:
    19      🙊      2            :speak-no-evil_monkey:
    20      😇      1          :smiling_face_with_halo:
    21      ðŸĪŪ      1                   :face_vomiting:
    22      ðŸĪ­      1       :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
    23      ðŸĪĄ      1                      :clown_face:
    24      ðŸĪ—      1    :smiling_face_with_open_hands:
    25      🙄      1          :face_with_rolling_eyes:
    26      😆      1         :grinning_squinting_face:
    27      ðŸļ      1                            :frog:
    28      ðŸ˜Ū      1            :face_with_open_mouth:
    29      🐞      1                           :panda:
    30      😚      1   :kissing_face_with_closed_eyes:
    31      😎      1    :smiling_face_with_sunglasses:
    32      😘      1             :face_blowing_a_kiss:

    You can use str.extractall to avoid a loop then use value_counts to count the number of occurences. Finally, "demojize" each smiley (the slowest part):

    out = (df['Document'].str.extractall(pattern).value_counts()
                         .assign(Type=lambda x: x['Smiley'].apply(emoji.demojize)))


    >>> out
       Smiley  Count                              Type
    0       👍    331                       :thumbs_up:
    1       👌     50                         :OK_hand:
    2       ðŸŧ     41                 :light_skin_tone:
    3       😍     41    :smiling_face_with_heart-eyes:
    4       😊     35  :smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes:
    5       🙂     15           :slightly_smiling_face:
    6       👎     14                     :thumbs_down:
    7       😃     13     :grinning_face_with_big_eyes:
    8       ðŸ’Đ     10                     :pile_of_poo:
    9       🏞     10          :medium-light_skin_tone:
    10      😜      3        :winking_face_with_tongue:
    11      😑      2             :expressionless_face:
    12      🙈      2              :see-no-evil_monkey:
    13      ðŸ˜Ē      2                     :crying_face:
    14      🙊      2            :speak-no-evil_monkey:
    15      ðŸ‘―      2                           :alien:
    16      😎      1    :smiling_face_with_sunglasses:
    17      😘      1             :face_blowing_a_kiss:
    18      😚      1   :kissing_face_with_closed_eyes:
    19      ðŸļ      1                            :frog:
    20      😇      1          :smiling_face_with_halo:
    21      ðŸ˜Ū      1            :face_with_open_mouth:
    22      😆      1         :grinning_squinting_face:
    23      🙄      1          :face_with_rolling_eyes:
    24      🐞      1                           :panda:

    The pattern part is correct? I am not missing out on any emoticons?

    Your pattern is not right. I don't know the full list you want to extract but below you have a code to debug it:

    #     add latin1 codes --v
    pattern2 = '([\\U00000000-\\U000000FF\\U0001F600-\\U0001F64F\\U0001F300-\\U0001F5FF\\U0001F680-\\U0001F6FF\\U0001F1E0-\\U0001F1FF])'
    other = df['Document'].str.replace(pattern2, '', regex=True)
    print(other[other != ''])
    # Output / Missed emojis
    1149    ðŸĪ—
    1238    ðŸĶ‰
    1305    ðŸĪŦ
    1424    ðŸĪŦ
    1978    ðŸĪ­
    2611    ðŸĪŪ
    2623    ðŸĶ‰
    2959    ðŸĪĄ
    3717    ðŸĪŠ
    4045    ðŸĶ‰
    4067    ðŸĪ–
    4699    ðŸĪ–
    4975    ðŸĪŠ
    Name: Document, dtype: object