
How to find the correct ABAP function corresponding to SAP FRONTEND action

I had a two days training in using the SAP .NET Connector 3.x for SAP RFC Calls. I have access to the SE37, SE16 and SE11 transactions but I'm not allowed (and skilled) to write and deploy my own ABAP Functions.

My question is: How can I find the corresponding ABAP function to a manual action, performed on the SAP-FrontEnd?

Is there a log file anywhere or is there a possibility to perform a trace to see, which functions are called by my FrontEnd?

Thank you in advance, Jan


  • There is an interesting program from SAP, RS_ABAP_SOURCE_SCAN, which can be useful to find different development objects. Sometimes only some code fragments are known and it is where it can get handy with finding:


    Note that this program does not have a transaction code, so it should be started from SE38 or SE80 and it is not available on all systems.