
Finding the percentage change in multiple columns

If I have a dataframe with two columns, is there a way to compute the percentage change of both the columns in one go? hopefully using the transform function

Code to compute percentage change for each column seperately

using DataFrames: DataFrame
using ShiftedArrays: lag
prices = DataFrame(
   :blue => Float32[8.70,8.91,8.71,8.43,8.73], 
   :orange => [10.66,11.08, 10.71, 11.59, 12.11]

prices[:,:pct_blue] = prices.blue ./ lag(prices.blue) .- 1 #5-element vector
prices[:,:pct_orange] = prices.orange ./ lag(prices.orange) .- 1 #5-element vector

Instead of this, isnt there a way to do something like this. ofcourse this is incorrect

transform!(prices, [:blue, :orange] => x -> x ./ lag(x) .- 1 => [:pct_blue, :pct_orange])


  • Changing => to .=> and placing the function between () or [] and your code will work.

    using DataFrames
    transform!(prices, [:blue, :orange] .=> (x -> x ./ lag(x) .- 1) .=> [:pct_blue, :pct_orange])
    #5×4 DataFrame
    # Row │ blue     orange   pct_blue         pct_orange      
    #     │ Float32  Float64  Float32?         Float64?        
    #   1 │    8.7     10.66  missing          missing         
    #   2 │    8.91    11.08        0.024138         0.0393996
    #   3 │    8.71    10.71       -0.0224467       -0.0333935
    #   4 │    8.43    11.59       -0.0321469        0.0821662
    #   5 │    8.73    12.11        0.0355871        0.0448663