I have followed this doc to deploy kubeflow on gke
Error:404 page not found
when Accessing Central dashboard
Try to deploy multiple times but still getting same error
I'm new to kubernets
As per this official doc, try below troubleshooting steps to resolve your error :
This section provides troubleshooting information for 404s, page not found, being return by the central dashboard which is served at
KUBEFLOW_FQDN is your project’s OAuth web app URI domain name
We can confirm that the Ambassador reverse proxy is functioning properly by running the following command because we were able to sign in.
kubectl -n ${NAMESPACE} get pods -l service=envoy NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE envoy-76774f8d5c-lx9bd 2/2 Running 2 4m envoy-76774f8d5c-ngjnr 2/2 Running 2 4m envoy-76774f8d5c-sg555 2/2 Running 2 4m
Now try to Attempt different administrations to check whether they're open for instance
https://${KUBEFLOW_FQDN}/whoami https://${KUBEFLOW_FQDN}/tfjobs/ui https://${KUBEFLOW_FQDN}/hub
We know that the issue is specific to the central dashboard and not ingress if other services are accessible.
Now check that the central dashboard is running
kubectl get pods -l app=centraldashboard NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE centraldashboard-6665fc46cb-592br 1/1 Running 0 7h
Check that an Ambassador route is properly defined or not
kubectl get service centraldashboard -o jsonpath='{.metadata.annotations.getambassador\.io/config}' apiVersion: ambassador/v0 kind: Mapping name: centralui-mapping prefix: / rewrite: / service: centraldashboard.kubeflow
Take a look at the logs of Envoy for blunders. Check to see if there are any errors like these that indicate a problem parsing the route. In the event that you are utilizing the new Stackdriver Kubernetes observing you can utilize the accompanying channel in the stackdriver console
resource.type="k8s_container" resource.labels.location=${ZONE} resource.labels.cluster_name=${CLUSTER} metadata.userLabels.service="ambassador" "could not parse YAML"
You can also refer to this doc for more information aboutdeploying kubeflow on GKE.