
scrollablePlotArea does not work as expected

I am creating react-typescript app and I am using Gantt chart. I tried to use scrollablePlotArea to achieve this result here


But in my case this scrollbar does not behave similar to the above example. Here is my code


enter image description here Please see the highlighted part of the image. I dont want to see these when i am scrolling. Am i missing something or this is expected behavior?


  • Instead of using chart.scrollablePlotArea you should use yAxis.scrollbar:

    yAxis: {
      max: 5,
      scrollbar: {
        enabled: true,
        showFull: false

    Demo: https://jsfiddle.net/BlackLabel/f4ym1d2c/
    API: https://api.highcharts.com/highstock/yAxis.scrollbar