When there is an Angular ReactiveForm element inside a dragged element, it shows a changed value in the drag ghost. The element on its final destination shows the correct value again.
Try a minimum example on StackBlitz: When you grab the second element (O2 with value "O2") and drag it, the ghost changes its value to "O1" while being dragged.
Is it wrong to have a form element inside a draggable? If not, is it a bug? In ng2-dragula
or rather in the (Reactive
How could I work around this?
The problem is that selected option
element must have selected
attribute present.
So, you might do this:
add element reference, and also add change listener on select
element, and then, on change, assign selected value to a variable which will then serve to set selected
attribute via attr.selected
in the template:
Try this:
<select [formControl]="formControl" (change)="chng($event)" #select>
<option value="O1" [attr.selected]="selected === 'O1' ? '' : null">O1</option>
<option value="O2" [attr.selected]="selected === 'O2' ? '' : null">O2</option>
<option value="O3" [attr.selected]="selected === 'O3' ? '' : null">O3</option>
@ViewChild('select') select!: ElementRef<HTMLSelectElement>;
selected: string = 'O2';
formControl = new UntypedFormControl('O2');
// set value for selected attribute
chng(event: Event) {
this.selected = (event.target as HTMLOptionElement).value;